Thursday, February 25, 2010

Double-Cheese, Spinach and Chicken Pizza

When I got home from work and school on Wednesday, I had it in my head that I was only going to do my mandatory 30 Day Shred workout. But after reading Kelly’s post on running her first mile (actually 1.56) I was inspired to do my c25k. So I did the c25k and then the 30 Day Shred and burned 466 calories. I’ll take that! When I was done, I actually didn’t feel as sick as I did before. Not really sure how that works, but I’ll take that, too! :)

For supper, I tried a new recipe.

I am forever trying new recipes and I wish I had more time to do posts on them. I do plan on doing a post on those Orange Julius smoothies, by the way.

So this recipe was called Double-Cheese, Spinach and Chicken Pizza. Now this is something that I would have never tried pre-lifestyle change. Hubby was even excited to try it!

I modified the recipe. The actual recipe is from a Betty Crocker Quick and Easy cookbook that my Mom gave me a couple of years ago. It calls for a prebaked pizza crust, hence the Quick and Easy title. I like to bake my own crusts and I have a quick and easy recipe for that, so I’ll share both!

First, we’ll start with the dough recipe which can be found here. For my purposes, I used whole wheat flour this time.

Double-Cheese, Spinach and Chicken Pizza


1 pizza crust ( I used the recipe above and spread it out to cover an entire cookie sheet)

1 cup of shredded Mozzarella cheese

2 cups washed fresh baby spinach leaves

1 cup cooked chicken, diced

1/4 cup red sweet pepper, diced

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese


1. Heat oven to 450*. Place pizza crust on greased cookie sheet.

2. Top with Mozzerella cheese, spinach, chicken, peppers, garlic salt and cheddar cheese.

3. Bake 15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. (If you use a different crust- follow those directions instead).

I cut this up into 12 slices at 5 points each, based on the types of cheeses I used, etc. This was so good and even hubby liked it! We have 2/3 of it left over for lunches, which is great!

Here’s a picture of mine:

pizza 008


  1. That looks amazing! Thanks for sharing the recipe :-)

  2. way to go on the workouts!! AWESOME :)

    the pizza sounds amazing!! I can't wait to get to the grocery store to get all the ingredients & whip it up!!

  3. You had me at double cheese.

    That's some serious pizza. I wish I had some right this second. I'm drooling on my keyboard. Seriously.

    Great job on those workouts!!! Woohoo!!!!

  4. Dude that looks awesome!!! I want to try it.

  5. My stomach just growled!

  6. I make my own crusts too! Sooo much better that way. And I love all the toppings you used. Yum!!

  7. That looks delicious! It's something I'm going to try... with more garlic though ;) Thanks for sharing!



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