Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Photo Food Journal

I thought today would be a good day to do a food photo journal post. After having a break from these for a while, it sounded kind of fun again!

For breakfast, I ate 1/2 serving of oatmeal with PB2 mixed in and topped with 1/2 of a sliced banana. I also had scrambled eggs and skim milk.

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Hubby informed me that he is starting to get tired of eggs, unless they have something delicious mixed in. I heated up some Laughing Cow cheese and spread it over the top of his eggs. Problem solved.

I like to eat eggs in the morning because of the protein. I know there are other options like bacon, or other meats, but they tend to be high in sodium and I don’t really like to go there. Plus, my MIL raises chickens and gives us the eggs. But I admit, I’m starting to get tired of eating an egg every morning too!

Wednesdays are usually my weigh in days, but because of the challenge, I’ve changed my weigh in days to Saturdays for a while. Today showed a nice loss though, if I had been counting it as the official weigh in! Open-mouthed smile Hear that, Jessica? lol. Although the majority of the weight loss was lost before we started our challenge on Saturday anyways.

While working (from home again), I sipped on coffee with FF vanilla creamer.

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For lunch, I ate tuna with light miracle whip and relish, along with tomatoes, a light string cheese.

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I also had butternut squash soup.

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I wanted something a little sweet, but wasn’t hungry, so I ate an Adora dark chocolate calcium supplement.

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On my last break, I made a fruit smoothie of sorts. I usually add yogurt to my smoothies, but I decided to make this one with strawberries, ice, water and a packet of Stevia. It was good! I need to tweak it a little because I like it a little sweeter. But for those of you who follow WW, this would be 0 points I believe!

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I also had a serving of dry roasted peanuts.

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I have been adjusting to working 40 hours again for the past couple of weeks. I know, poor me, right? Winking smileBut I’ve been tired. Plus we’ve been so busy and it’s just been crazy. When I got off of work, late, I was pretty beat.

I took about an hour and just sat down and read blogs—something I haven’t been able to really do for weeks. It was nice. It was relaxing, motivating, and so nice to catch up with you all! I know I should have been using my time to work out, but I just wasn’t feeling it today. That and I was really hungry and trying my best to stay out of the cupboards!

I kept myself busy making healthy whole wheat rhubarb muffins. I ate a small bite. I think they tasted a little too “healthy” if you know what I mean, but hubby ate one and liked them.

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For supper, I baked Blue Hake, zucchini and onions topped with parmesan, and lentils.

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SO good.

I also had a nice glass of iced tea. Ahhhh, so refreshing. My teeth are so sensitive I often drink cold drinks with a straw at home. Isn’t that terrible? I have the most sensitive teeth. If I just THINK about a popsicle, I get goose bumps. Hubby likes to mention cold things because he thinks it’s funny that I get goose bumps. lol

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I buy boxes of Blue Hake from Schwan’s. It’s very good! And only 80 calories.

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And they come wrapped individually.

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For dessert, I had a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie topped with light cool whip. This pie is only 178 calories, which I don’t think it so bad for a slice of pie!

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We are slowly running out of groceries this week. It will be time for a full load of groceries this weekend. I love grocery shopping!

I have 273 more calories left for the day, so I’m doing MUCH better today than I have for quite a while! It was a much more normal day for me today—FINALLY! I’m busy for the rest of the night so I won’t be getting in any exercise today. But I will try tomorrow!

It was fun doing a picture food journal today! I hope you enjoyed it too!Smile


  1. I enjoyed the food picture journal. Everything looked very good, well except the fish as I am a vegetarian ;). Congrats on the loss and a good day!

  2. I love food pictures! Your food looks yummy and great job staying accountable :)

  3. That strawberry "sort of" smoothie looks really good :) I just bought strawberries from the store because they looked yummy. Congrats on the loss, hopefully you will see a good number on Saturday!

  4. my new found love - faux tuna melt.....I use a low carb tortila, tuna, pepperjack cheese and cook like a quesdilla. Then I dip in spicey ranch, you only need like .25 of a serving. So good! I ate it for lunch and dinner. I think I need to take pictures of my food to help keep me on track. I did good to day on my meals but the snackin inbetween sucked.

  5. You had a good day and I enjoy seeing the pictures of your food. :)

  6. Wow, I never would have thought a smoothie would be good without milk, but I'll definitely be trying it! I'm glad you're seeing good things on the scale :)

  7. Maybe you can make quiche? Stratta? There's lots of egg options. I make quiche pretty often. We eat it for dinner. Delicious!

  8. Strawberry smoothie is a great idea! Also that ice tea looked so good I made some for myself. Keep up the good work girl!

  9. This blog post has made me hungry. Think I'll have a bowl of cereal now.

  10. I may look for that fish, I WANT to like salmon.... Hack, choke, blech... And Mahi, Mahi ... Hummmm

    Orange roughy is really the only home cooked fish I like, sheesh I am a hard core dieter, whats wrong with me? and not liking fish!!!!

    Hopefully the fish you mentioned is kind of lime orange roughy???

  11. Hey! I wanted to ask-how are you liking your Fitbit? I want one for my Mother's Day gift, but want to know what people really think of it.

  12. I must know what kind of rhubarb pie that is!? for such a decent amount of calories!
    All the food looks yummy!

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  14. I buy groceries and by the following week, we are EMPTY!



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