Friday, April 6, 2012

The Good in my Friday—With Pictures!

A little Sinful Delight to start the day off right.

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Oatmeal with sliced bananas and freshly made chocolate peanut butter.

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Our tree in full bloom…in April!

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The sun shining in my office window.

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Getting off work REALLY early when hubby is home on holiday.

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Watching our “lion” intently watch the birds building a nest outside our window.

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Running 4 miles with hubby. It was a harder run today, but I got it done. Not to mention, I got to wear the new Oakleys that I won!

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The trail was beautiful.


Grilled turkey burgers with lettuce and spinach and a side of broiled veggies for lunch.

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And one of my favorite desserts, fresh strawberries and short cake with vanilla ice cream.

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Daisy in the laundry basket. Just chillin’.


An afternoon cup of Java.

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The UPS man delivering a new book for me to review. I have quite a few coming up, actually!

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And thinking about the weekend ahead! Wishing you a happy weekend!

What’s the good in your Friday?


  1. Sounds like a good, Good Friday for you. Thanks for sharing the cat pics - I love pet photos.

  2. Looks like you had a yummy day!
    Happy Good Friday :)

  3. Those flowers are gorgeous, and the broiled veggies look so yummy! I am spending the whole day with only my 2 youngest kids today. That is very rare, so this has been good. :) Enjoy the holiday weekend.

  4. your pictures totally made me smile, now i want oatmeal and your tree makes me think of my mom

  5. I had to work on Friday but was off today (Saturday) so it has been a pretty good day. Went to the inlaws and had lunch, then a trip to Home Depot.



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