Monday, March 5, 2012

Still Thinking Things Over

This weekend was a bit of a wakeup call for me. I tend to eat a little differently on the weekends, which is when I would normally eat my weekly points and call it all good. Well, no weekly points when counting calories! So I did a lot of exercising to make up for my eating.

For breakfast this morning, I ate an egg with 1/2 serving of oatmeal and strawberries and skim milk.

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I needed to make sure I got in a workout this morning because I ended up going over my calories a bit last night. I walked on the treadmill for 2.25 miles in 45:30. I burned 285 calories.

Exercise makes more sense to me when I see the numbers. But does exercising really burn off the calories I eat? I use a HR monitor to track how many calories I burn, so I think that should be pretty accurate. Basically, my 2.25 mile walk burned off breakfast, if that’s the case!

My weight was up this morning, so I’m hoping it’s sodium and it will be off  by WI on Wednesday. I want to see those low numbers I was seeing at the end of last week!!

While working, I sipped on coffee with FF vanilla creamer.

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It was a beautiful and sunshiny morning. That makes me happy!

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I think working out made me hungry! My stomach was grumbling by my first break. I ate 1/2 serving of pistachios and a banana.

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So looking at various calorie tracking programs, it seems that none of them have weigh in days. So the weeks are all off and I get confused. So I was thinking, maybe I should do away with the weekly official WI day and make it more of a monthly official weigh in. Like the 1st of the month or something. I’d enter my weight each day on the tracker, but look for progress on the once a month weights to see if I’m really making progress. What do you think? How do you schedule your official weigh in days?

I’m thinking this way I wouldn’t be “playing the system” so much. You know, those last couple of days before WI where you eat extra well to make up for any bad choices you may have made…maybe if I counted every single day’s weight, I’d be more focused on eating well every day to see that number go down more often since every day would really be counting instead of once a week.

Since I’m changing things up around here, why not change up more?! SmileAnd it’s not like I can’t always go back to what I’ve done so far…

And this is just a test…I haven’t finalized what I’m doing yet, but I’ve been thinking things over and hubby and I talked some stuff over and I think I have a new plan in place! Open-mouthed smile I’ll be excited to share it all with you.

For lunch, I ate a salad with lettuce, tomato, carrots, mushrooms, avocado, chicken and light Caesar dressing.

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And I wasn’t even hungry for a snack in the afternoon.

For supper, I made an Asian sesame chicken salad with perfect roasted potatoes.

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Yum! A delicious and filling supper!

And what does this mean on the package of chicken breasts…young chickens! Not very appetizing to me!

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They should just put…”old chickens who lived a full and happy life”. lol

I finished it up with FF/SF vanilla yogurt and light whipped topping.

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It is probably the best low calorie dessert out there.

After supper, I hopped on the stationary bike to finish making up for the extra calories I ate yesterday. I biked 11 miles in 45 minutes and burned 293 calories.

I am happy with today. I feel like I ate healthy foods, drank lots of water, exercised and best of all—I’m satisfied! I was a little under where I want to be protein wise though. But that’s just one day. Most days I meet that goal.

Here’s how I did:

Daily calorie budget
Food calories consumed
Exercise calories burned
Net calories so far today
I can eat 657 more calories today

That’s slightly inaccurate because I had to make up for the extra calories last night—so actually, I have 305 calories I could eat today if I want to. I’m back in the black!

Make sure to check out my Adora Calcium Supplement giveaway!


  1. Great job tracking everything. I think your meals look delicious!

    I weigh-in every morning to stay accountable (I only track officially once a week though) and it makes me stay on track daily (like you said)

  2. Your doing great but I have one suggestion...and this may not affect you but in past attempts to lose weight I would work out more to make-up for eating more calories...this lead to a punishment kind of to much then punish self in made me hate my workout and lead eventually to giving be careful with that and good luck! You already lost so much just remember that!

  3. Right now I'm weighing every day because I'm needing the accountability. But when the scale starts controlling how I feel once again, I will put it away and drag it out weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. I guess I just kinda go with the flow. You seem to be enjoying the calorie counting. Good for you. Can you eat lower calories one or two days and then eat higher calories on a weekend day with the calories you "banked?" That might work if you still keep up with it like you should. I have no clue, though!

  4. Whatever works best for YOU concerning the weigh-ins is what you should do. The best thing to do is to try it out. For one month, try having a once-a-month weigh-in. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't work for you, then you can just switch it back.

    This weight loss thing is a TON of trial and error. some trying.

    Personally, I tried the once-a-month weigh-ins and it wasn't for me. But...that's because I wasn't able to hold onto my accountability. If I know I have to step on the scale every seven days, I'm more likely to stick-to-tracking and working out. Otherwise, I just kind of kick it into high gear closer to the end of the month check-in date. That wasn't fair to my body. :/

  5. I tend to do the same thing on the weekends, but I also tend to work out way more on the weekend than during the week. So I convinced myself it balanced itself out (which it doesn't lol).

    I still weigh in once a week, but I have a withings scale that logs it automatically daily, so I can see if I want to... I tried 1x a month, and it was awful. It just wasn't my thing... Hope you find out what works best :)

  6. I use My Fitness Pal and weigh in every Thursday. While it doesn't allow me to set for specific day WI, that's my day and I stick to it.

    As far as calories, if I have day where I don't use them all -- I don't carry them forward. If I go over for the day - opps. It is what it is.

  7. Those strawberries look devine.

    I will be trying to exercise more today too so that I burn off some of the bad foods eaten this week.

    I am on daily mile too. Add me, I have the same handle as I have on here.



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