Friday, March 9, 2012


I’m so happy that it’s finally Friday! And another bright and sunny day with a Saturday forecasted to be in the 60’s. Can’t wait for the weekend!

For breakfast, I ate plain Cheerios with skim milk topped with sliced strawberries along with an egg.

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Any other suggestions on how to get protein in for breakfast?

While working, I drank my usual coffee with FF vanilla creamer.

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I received a new part of my plan in the mail today. Want to know what it is? I bet you do…well, you’ll just have to wait! Here’s a little teaser for now… Winking smile

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I was so excited I forgot to eat a snack! Whodathunk that would ever happen. I can’t wait to share this with you!

For lunch, I ate chicken with BBQ sauce and roasted zucchini and onions topped with parmesan cheese (x2 of the zucchini pictured).

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I LOOOOVE roasted zucchini. I think I’ll start cooking more roasted veggies because I really enjoy them.

And I wasn’t even hungry on my last break, so I didn’t eat anything.

Not much to report today, I guess! Hubby and I are going out to eat tonight at Red Lobster with a gift card. Which I am very excited about. I have a few plans of potential orders, but I think I’ll go with Coconut Shrimp Bites because I just love those. I will make sure to ask for dressing on the side for my garden salad. I have 1,317 calories left that I can eat today (including my exercise calories). And even with my picks, I’ll still have a daily deficit. PLUS, I have a 1,269 calorie deficit for the week so far. A good feeling. We will hopefully be able to go to my favorite Cupcakery, which is always an indulgence worth waiting for every now and again.

The scale showed me more love this morning. It’s working!! And I’m satisfied. Who knew? I’m confident this will work and yet I still have that fear in the back of my head that I’m doomed to be obese (which my BMI still says I am) for the rest of my life. Why the fears? I tend to listen to the negatives more than the positives. But I KNOW I cannot dwell on them or I WILL fail. Failure is NOT an option. It’s just a battle with myself and an opportunity to learn to be more self confident and prove to MYSELF that I can do it. Believing in yourself is SO powerful. I can do this, because I AM doing it! And so can you.

Have a great weekend! Rest, relax, and also get out there and get active!! Be good to yourself. You deserve it.


  1. I love having a protein shake in the morning! A scoop of vanilla whey, a banana, a little pineapple or mixed berries and milk. It's filling and gets a good shot of protein in!
    Also - breakfast burritos is another option: eggs, Canadian bacon, some peppers and onions, a little salsa and then a dollop of plain Greek yogurt (instead of sour cream). Mmmmm

  2. I add peanut butter to my oatmeal for some extra protein for breakfast. Its usually either that or something with an egg. :)

  3. I'm thrilled for you Alissa. So glad the new plan is working. You have a wonderful, restful relaxing weekend too!!!! Take care.

  4. For protein in the morning it's usually egg substitute or I had protein powder to my pancakes or waffles.
    Your doing great!

  5. I enjoy my turkey sausage patties or links, 2 for 2 points. Can't remember the brand - green package at WM. The links have more in a pkg than patties. Red Lobster is so yummy! :) Hope you enjoyed it!

  6. Turkey Sausage, Peanut Butter Toast, Protien Shake. Make favorite though is just a good ole PB&J.



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