Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Good Day

I hate springing ahead this time of year. It’s so dark in the morning and so hard to get out of bed. I’m sure I’ll love the fact that it will be lighter out longer in the evenings but it definitely takes some time getting used to.

This morning, hubby had to get to work much earlier than usual and had to wake up at 4 AM! Poor guy! So I stayed in bed and ended up resetting my alarm to wake up 15 minutes before I had to get in the shower. I was so tired!

So I drank my breakfast this morning. I made a smoothie with 2 oranges, a banana, light vanilla yogurt, 1 scoop of protein powder and 1 Tbs. milled flax. I drank this while working.

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It kept me full until my first break and then I was very hungry. I ate a boiled egg.

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Still loving those boiled eggs for some reason…

I also ate pistachios.

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For lunch, I ate my leftover Coconut Shrimp Bites from Red Lobster along with a  side salad with lettuce, tomato, blue cheese crumbles and FF French.

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And I was craving a little something sweet. I wasn’t sure if I should attempt it, but I did eat one small Reese’s Egg. And I controlled myself and limited it to ONE. Whoohoo!

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I was really hungry by my last break. I ate a small Mission Carb Balance tortilla with turkey and cheese.

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And some baby carrots.

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Today was a long and busy day. The good part about that is that the day does fly by. And I did enjoy the sunlight even after I was off of work!

For supper, I grilled chicken which I marinated in a Trader Joe’s General’s sauce, steamed broccoli and perfect roasted potatoes.

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I finished it up with strawberries and Blue Bunny vanilla ice cream.

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After supper, hubby agreed to go for a short walk with me even though he had a super long and hard day. We walked 1.10 miles in 20:38. I burned 130 calories. Not a huge calorie burn, but it’s something for my “walk” day for my 10K training plan.

I have 2 calories left for the day. Not much I can eat for 2 calories, so I’ll call it a night. Another good day! Smile


  1. Oh man, 2 calories would be like trying to spend 2 pennies! Haha. Reese's are such a killer. Sooo good, and very hard to limit your intake of them. Good job! I hate the dark mornings, too, but really loved having sunlight this evening!

  2. I second what Staci said I could not limit myself to one so way to go!! And That smoothie looked good gonna have to try that thank you for sharing!!

  3. Two calories might cover a few tablespoons of chicken broth but not much more. Good job for the day. :)

  4. Great job! LOVE morning smoothies. I usually use frozen fruit, yogurt, a scoop of protein powder, and a splash of milk or juice to thin it out a little.
    Good going on the walk too. :)

  5. I love coming to your blog. I wish I could post more frequent and include pictures. You give me lots of inspiration!

  6. Everything looks good to me! Great job!

  7. This all looks delicious!!! Good job.
    Alissa, Thank you so much for your comment on my half post! I really appreciate the support, your blog is one that I started following from the start and YOU have been a big inspiration/motivation for me! :) Let's keep at it. Thanks again.

  8. Oh my, that grilled chicken, broccoli, and potatoes look fantastic! All I did was a mile today, too-but hey-that's better than nothing! :)




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