Saturday, March 17, 2012

NSV and An Active Day (with pictures!)

First off, remember those capris that my Mom bought me that were too small and I said I was going to use them as a clothing goal? I couldn’t even zip them when I bought them on March 1st.

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Um yeh, they fit!! They’re slightly snug, but I think they look ok! I couldn’t believe it when I tried them on! Even the shorts that I bought for the cruise (that ended up not zipping while ON the cruise) now fit! Those are some very encouraging NSV’s!

Today, hubby and I had to go over to the in-law's to help my father in law tear down a barbed wire fence. He thought it would take two hours to tear down the fence and then was going to take the posts down another day. Well, I offered to help hubby, imagining a mad calorie burn, and we had BOTH jobs done in 1 hour 36 minutes! I was totally a country girl today.


And I wore my new capris to do it! Hopefully I didn’t ruin them because I was covered in dirt when we were done. My job consisted of tearing down the wire and laying it neatly on the ground for hubby to roll up. And then I helped pick up the rolls and load them in the wagon, they were heavy! I walked a lot, even ran a little, and used my arms a ton. For the second part of the job, I was assigned picking up all of the posts, knocking the dirt off them, and throwing them into a wagon. There were at least 50 posts, each weighing about 5-10 lbs. I tried to pick up two in each hand. I ended up burning 576 calories. Totally worth it. And my FIL was happy.

After that, hubby and I came home and cleaned up and headed out for the second part of the day, our first long bike ride of the year!! We ended up doing a loop of 14.5 miles with lots of hills. It felt awesome. With a couple of stops, it took us 1 hour and 42 minutes.

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I really need a new bike. This was just a cheap one we bought from a friend a couple of years ago. It doesn’t fit me right, but it works for now.

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I didn’t get a lot of pictures. It was nice to see things starting to green up!

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Taking a break:

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These laces keep me going. Smile

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Our usual picture after the ride:

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Hubby loading up the bikes:

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Overall, I burned 842 calories on this ride! I couldn’t believe it! I love calorie burns like that. Looking forward to many more of these rides this year!

And I always love getting an ice cream cone after our ride. My favorite ice cream shop opened up for the season! I got a raspberry flavor burst. SO good.

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I’m very proud of today. The fact that I was able to be as active as I was today is proof that I have come so far. I remember getting tired doing much less when I weighed 288 lbs.

I love the feeling of being physically tired and worn out at the end of the day. I know I’ll sleep well tonight!


  1. love that the pants fit!!! woot woot!

  2. That ice cream is PRETTY!! That is the prettiest ice cream I've ever seen! LOL. You had a great day! You know what, I don't think I've ever seen your hair down. I always wear mine up and back at home and exercising, too. You should do a "let your hair down" post! Haha. I really want a bike, but I have no idea if I should get a 24 or 26. It's intimidating to me because I've not owned one since before I was a teenager!!!

  3. How weird, hubby just bought a bike today. We are talking about getting me one. Fun fun fun :)

    Wooooo hooooooo on the NSV clothes are such a huge motivator!!!

  4. Awesome job on the exercise!!!

    I love when I fit into something I couldn't before. It really is so much better than the scale.

  5. Cute capris! We have been getting a lot of rain here in Tx so everything is green. Gotta mow today.

  6. I loved this post!! and I love NSV! What a fun filled day with tons activity. Your happiness really shows from this post :)

  7. Congrats on the pants! That is exciting!

    p.s. I just had an ice cream cone like that yesterday (only green apple!) Yumm!

    Mallory @ Faith. Fashion. Beauty. {Follow Me!}

  8. The capris look great! No muffin top or looking squished. Congrats on getting into them comfortably so soon.

  9. Yay! Congrats on the capris!! That is beyond awesome - and you look adorable in them! :)

  10. Dang girly how FABULOUS are you looking! xo



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