Tuesday, November 20, 2012

#BestBodyBootcamp Week 4 in Review


You can read about the Best Body Bootcamp, if you are interested!

I have officially completed the first month of the Best Body Bootcamp! I have met all of my weekly goals so far. I’m proud of myself for sticking with this. I love the diversity of the plan. Each day is different and I don’t get bored with the workouts.

My 2 personal goals:
  1. Drink 64 oz. of water.
  2. Eat 3 servings of vegetables.
Overall personal goal analysis: I drank at least 64 oz. of water all 7 days this week. Most days, I drink a lot more than that. I ate 3 servings of vegetables 5 days this past week. The weekend was where I failed to get in my veggies. It was a tough weekend and I didn’t do stellar all weekend long. I made sure to get in my workouts though and all points have been counted. I am still on track with my points.

Here’s how my workouts went: I met my goal to get in 5 workouts this last week. Once again, fitting in 6 workouts seems to be a struggle for me. I think 5 is my number and I am satisfied with that.

Monday: I took a rest day because my calf muscles were still aching from a workout the week before!

Tuesday: I did an optional cardio workout by biking 7.2 miles in 30 minutes. I wasn’t in the mood for exercise that day, but I did it anyways.

Wednesday: I completed the Intervals B workout, 2.75 miles in 39 minutes. I also did the core workout, as scheduled.

Thursday: I completed Workout C and also did a 15 minute optional cardio workout by biking 4 miles.

Friday: I completed my second Intervals B workout. This workout was tougher for me this time, but I managed to burn more calories. 2.74 miles in 40 minutes. I also completed my core workout.

Saturday: My brother came to visit and hubby and I were busy getting things done around the house. I never fit in my workout on Saturday. Rest day #2.

Sunday: As I mentioned, my weekend was a challenge. I ate out quite a few times and had an issue with cookies. I counted the points and moved on. I was feeling miserable on Sunday morning after eating out the night before, so I got out of bed early and headed outside for a run. It was a crisp morning with temps in the 30s. I completed my Intevals A workout (although I just ran consistently and didn’t have any walking breaks) and then came home and completed Workout A. Later on in the day, I also went for a 1.5 mile walk.

Overall workout analysis: I feel like I did a good job by getting those 5 workouts in. I burned 1,829 calories this week, which is about 400 more calories than last week. Think I could burn 2,000 calories this next week?

How I feel: Kind of fit.

I know I am FAR from being toned and fit, but I feel good. I can see more muscle definition in my arms and that is such a good feeling! My legs feel strong. Overall, I feel smaller, which I would call more toned…even though I’m far from TONED, but you know what I mean. I think it's working!

For next week: This coming week will be a challenge. I will be traveling the majority of it. I have already scheduled which days I will complete which workouts based on the equipment I will have at my disposal. I should be good to go! I also have my Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k, and hubby and I have signed up for an official Turkey run on Thanksgiving day. I will complete my Cardio B on that day, because it’s a 40 minute workout and that’s just about how long a 5k usually takes me. It should work out well!

If you’re following the Best Body Bootcamp, how was your week?

If you’re not following the plan, how are you planning on sticking to your healthy habits over this holiday week?

Don’t forget about the Thankful Healthy Blogger 5k! Have you signed up yet? It’s only a few days away!!


  1. That's great how well you're keeping up with it. Its nice being able to look back and reflect and see the progress :)

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