Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Good Day

Yesterday was a good day in my book. Yay!

Last night, hubby and I went to a choir event last night. It was a woman’s choir. I LOOOOVE singing and I really miss singing in choir like I did in high school. After the concert, they asked if any women would like to experience what it would be like to sing with them. So I did it. It was fun! They took my info and want me to join them, but I got to thinking about it and decided as much as I want to, I just can’t. I’m stretching myself thin, time wise, as it is right now. Maybe someday, but I can’t commit to 3.5 hours practice every week. This week has been about rejuvenation for me because if I feel as overwhelmed as I have in the past couple of weeks, I’m not going to stay sane very long!

For breakfast, I ate a lemon poppy seed muffin, egg beaters, strawberries/blueberries, and skim milk.


While working job #1, I sipped on an Almond Joy iced latte with skim.


On my first break, I ate a banana.


And 1/2 serving of pistachios.


I got off of work 1 hour and 45 minutes early!! nice! That helped my schedule out big time!

I was able to get some work done for Job #2 before lunch.

For lunch, I ate a salad with lettuce, tomato, blue cheese, chicken, and BBQ sauce.

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I was still hungry, so I ate an apple with peanut butter.

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And while I still had more work to be done, I had to tell myself that it could very easily be done other days of the week and that I had accomplished enough for the day. Time to relax! Getting off work early meant I had time to go to the pool—just to lounge! Something I haven’t been able to do in weeks.


Thanks to my pool pass, I can just spend an hour there and not feel out any money.

I walked to and from the pool, 20 minutes, and then swam for 10 minutes straight. There’s my 30 minute workout!

After that, I went to a local shop and bought a gift for my friend’s birthday.

I was so hungry at this point but wanted to keep my points down. I decided to get supper in the oven and workout to get my mind off of food.

I biked 6.7 miles in 30 minutes. Got in an episode of Ugly Betty. I’ve been slowly making my way through those episodes for a couple of years. I love that show and I’m sad that I only have 3 more episodes left!

For supper, I made fish tacos along with chips and salsa.

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So flavorful and delicious.

I finished it up with FF/SF chocolate pudding.

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And then I had a couple of these.

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Good day for exercise, but I did go over my points, just a little!

Hubby and I plan on going up to the pool again for some more swimming tonight! We have our last swimming lesson this week. Hubby will sign up for more, but I think I’ve learned what I need to learn. Maybe personal training or a class for me…We’ll see!


  1. Yay for a good day :) And I love the attitude about going over points. It happens. It's not the end of the world. :)

  2. Oh man that pudding makes me remember when I used to make pudding ALL the time! That was my dessert pretty much every single day, with the Zero fat whipped cream... I should get goin with that again

  3. Good for you getting 2 workouts in in one day! I wish we had a pool around where I live... It would be great.
    I started Gilmore Girls while on the treadmill. I loved that show when I was in high school and I still like it :)

  4. I love good days! Good for you :)

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  6. I love hearing about good days and pool relaxation.

    Love it! :)

  7. The pool picture made me want to get myself to a pool ASAP! yay for the good day Alissa!!! I hope your August is filled with more of them!!!

  8. I suck at singing, but I am glad you found a way to feel rejuvenated sometimes its the push we need.

  9. This week has been about rejuvenation for because if feel as overwhelmed as have in the past couple of weeks, not going to stay sane very long.

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  11. It saves you so much time and energy when you're swimming that will let you rock out a few more laps when you're exercising!
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