Friday, July 13, 2012

Finally Friday!

I woke feeling pretty gross this morning. I ate a sundae and popcorn last night. Totally did not need either of them. Not sure what my problem was yesterday!

For breakfast, I ate an egg sandwich on a sandwich thin with 2% cheese and 1 slice of ham along with a glass of skim milk and 1/2 a banana.

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It FINALLY rained today. Finally, Finally, Finally. And a good amount of it too. We literally have mowed the lawn about three times this summer—that’s the only good part!! But the farmers around here have been getting pretty worried. I’m sure they were thrilled!

While working, I sipped on my iced latte with FF hazelnut creamer.

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For lunch, I ate 2 BLT’s (with light bread, light Miracle Whip and turkey bacon) and light clam chowder soup.

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I also had sliced peaches.

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I spent the afternoon working job #2.

I ate a few refrigerator pickles because I was hungry.

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And a light cheese stick.

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Hubby and I are going to have a date night tonight. We are going out for Mexican and then to a movie—something we literally NEVER do. Looking forward to it!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Have a GREAT weekend Alissa!!!! BTW, congrats on the loss this week. (just read yesterday's post now) :)

  2. Your meals look scrummy enjoy your date might x

  3. We go to a lot of movies! Have fun!

  4. Hope u had a great dinner date with hubby.

    The Kynsna marathon in SA was been cancelled dur to terrible weather.
    Uk is under flood elerts
    Germany has no summer due to rain.
    What's going on with our weather!

  5. You always have the best meals!!

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