Thursday, July 26, 2012

Weigh in Day

Overall, I had a good week. I stayed within my points.

I finally figured out why I had terrible depression and incredible weight gain…Thanks TOM.

But most of the weight has come off, but not all of it. I gained .9 for the week. But at least I know why!

I will continue doing what I’m doing…and try to exercise more! I’m confident this will work when my body isn’t all out of sync. Hopefully this doesn’t happen every month where I have terrible depression and PMS, and then a week of TOM…Ugh.

Life is looking up though. No worries.

I’m sorry I haven’t blogged regularly this week! I’ve been on track, I promise. I’ve just been SO busy. I’ll try to update more often!


  1. HI Alissa, glad you are feeling better!!!! Pesky TOM!!!! Sure can throw your system out of whack! Glad you had a good week. Hope your weekend is fun too!!!

  2. So the plan is that literally plan every hour of my day out. I’m hoping this works and that seeing my day written out will help me carve out time to exercise.

    Forbrukslån på dagen



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