Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I’m a Klutz

It’s Wednesday! We’re half way to the weekend. Yay!

Today is the 1st anniversary of the derecho storm that ripped through our town. It’s hard to believe it! Looking back at those pictures, I had forgotten what a mess our area was for months! Some are still rebuilding.

Last night, I learned the back stroke and the elementary back stroke. I need some practice with the coordination and I got a lot of water up my nose! But the back stroke is easier for me to keep up since I can breathe better.

I asked the instructor how you are supposed to see where you are going while doing the back stroke and she explained a few tips. Well, wouldn’t ya know, I was swimming away and BAM, hit my head on the edge of the pool. Ouch! Now my neck is stiff. Might be making a trip to the chiropractor soon. Maybe I should stick with the front crawl. lol

For breakfast, I ate an egg, 1/2 a whole wheat bagel thin topped with 1/2 of a cinnamon Laughing Cow cheese wedge, skim milk, and a bowl of fruit.

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While working, I sipped on an iced latte with almond joy creamer.

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It was another beautiful morning and I got to work with my windows open and enjoy the nice breeze.

Even better, I got off of work an hour and 45 minutes early Yay!

Last week at the 5K, I lost one of my ear gels RIGHT before the race started. I looked around for it but never found it. I could still put the ear bud into my ear, but not very comfortably.

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So today, I headed outside for a run.

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I had almost run 1 mile when I accidently dropped my iPod, pulling my Zippearz out of my ears, losing my 2nd ear gel! And I couldn’t find it anywhere. So now I was stuck with two very uncomfortable ear buds. I finished up running the mile and then walked. (I emailed Zippearz and asked if I could buy the ear gels and they offered to send them for free! That’s why they are such a great company.)

A block later, I had one of those moments where you’re just walking along, minding your own business, enjoying the beautiful day and WHAM, you’re on the ground. And a car was driving by. So embarrassing. I got up as fast as I could. Minor scratches to myself, a few scratches to my phone, and my back started hurting.

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What a condition to be in! A sore neck and now a sore back! lol. The funny thing is, this is the 2nd time I’ve fallen down while exercising outside in the past week.

The other time is a little more funny, in retrospect. Hubby and I ran a mile, and then we started to walk home. I saw some other people coming towards us on the path and just wasn’t in the mood to be seen, because I felt like I looked gross. You know the feeling.

I told hubby that we should turn and walk on a nearby street instead, but nope, hubby wasn’t having it. We were walking on the path.

So I took my super star sunglasses off the top of my head and put them back on my face and continued walking. I’d hide behind those.

Well, IMMEDIATELY when we meet up to the two ladies, I twisted my ankle and fell down. LOL. Talk about not wanting to be seen! They were all like, “are you ok!?” and I just tried to laugh it off. Hubby thought it was the funniest thing ever. Well, after asking me if I was ok.

Ugh, such a klutz!

So anyway, back to today.

I ended up completing 1.9 miles in about 30 minutes. I got my exercise in!

I was starving by the time I got home, so I made a quick salad out of spinach, chicken deli meat, strawberries, blueberries, almonds, feta, and TJ raspberry vinaigrette.

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I have to admit, I was feeling a little down after my “run”. And when I say down, no… I did not fall down while making my lunch. Winking smile

But I stuck to the plan. I also ate an apple with PB.

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The editor told me that we basically have enough content to fill the paper for the next two weeks so I could go easy on the stories. I have some work to do, but figured I might as well take the day off from job #2 and save that work for another day! I really needed a break anyways. Plus, the house needed cleaning.

I can do anything if I can listen to music while doing it. It’s the only way that cleaning is enjoyable.

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I have started doing something very dangerous lately. I keep forgetting about something cooking on the stove and I come back and it’s burned to a crisp. Most recently, I was making peach sauce on the stove and started to smell smoke and went into the kitchen to find the room filled with smoke and my peach sauce burnt. Wouldn’t you know it was the same time that hubby walked through the door and my iPod was playing on shuffle and Christmas music happened to be playing. He was baffled. I was embarrassed. What horrible timing! lol

Wow, you must all think I’m a complete dimwit by now. lol. What is this, confession day for me? Winking smile

Anyways, the sugar burned and stuck to the bottom of my non stick pan. I cannot get it to come off. I tried boiling water and vinegar in the pan today but it still won’t come off. Any suggestions?

I also made some refrigerator pickles. Yummy!

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I have a couple of pretty flowers to share today! Our sunflowers bloomed. They didn’t grow very tall or very big this year. Either it’s because of the dry, hot weather or because we bought different seeds this year. Probably the latter.

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And these ones are very pale for some reason.

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A friend of mine gave me this pot with bulbs in it this spring and these are the prettiest flowers!

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And then I spent some time reading blogs. I don’t get to do that very often anymore it seems like.

Hubby and I bought a season pass to the pool this year. It’s nice to be able to go whenever we feel like it. We are keeping a tally of how many times we actually go so we can see if we get our money’s worth.

Another cool thing about that is that I can go to the pool for an hour whenever I feel like it and don’t have to feel like I wasted the money. So that’s what I did today! I read my WW magazine and listened to Kenny Chesney’s beach music.


It’s like a little vacation for me.

I packed some grapes to eat at the pool.

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I was hungry when I got home, so I ate a WW string cheese.

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I sucked on one piece of sugar free candy to keep from eating anything else.

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For supper, I had grilled chicken, corn on the cob, green beans and bread from the farmer’s market.

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I marinated the chicken in this stuff. So good.

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I made a light cheesecake for dessert. I added a little chocolate drizzle. Delish!

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But it reminded me how much less you get of a dessert type item versus fruit, for example. This was 5.5 points.

I used one weekly point today. I still have weeklies and activity points left and tomorrow is weigh in day!


  1. Mmm, I want that light cheesecake recipe! After reading your post on the dessert-style laughing cow, I went to our local grocery store but they didn't have them there...maybe next time! I only buy the light swiss, so it's time for a change!

  2. I loved this blog post lol. I am so glad I am not the only klutz. You are just having a bad week -but good for you for getting through the rough patches. I got off the treadmill yesterday to see who the dog was parking at and I tripped over a piece of wood. I caught myself, but I did not tell my husband b/c I knew he would say he was not surprised.
    I am jealous of your pool pass!

  3. When I sold pampered chef, one of the things they said for stuck on things was a mix of like baking soda and water (maybe). Let it sit for a certain amount of time and then rinse and try again until it's gone. You might could call Pampered Chef customer service line and see if they will tell you. Maybe they won't ask what pan it's on. I dunno. Hope this helps.

  4. Wow that salad looks awesome! I may have to put one of those together for dinner tonight, thanks for the idea!

  5. Another amazing day. what are refridgerator pickles?

  6. I feel your pain Alissa, I too have embarassed myself by falling in public. The BEST (or worst)one was two days before my wedding. (curb? You have to step UP on the curb...who knew?? :)) anyway, its a good thing my wedding dress was long because my knee was a MESS for weeks. It's funny now, but at the time, I wasn't laughing. And WOW...your flowers are GORGEOUS!!! Have a good Thursday. May we BOTH stay on our feet today! :)

  7. My daughter hurts herself a lot I don't know why she is so klutzy but she is.



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