Friday, July 6, 2012

Mini-vacation Photos: Field of Dreams and Galena

Thursday night, hubby and I left for a mini-vacation. We headed out to Galena, IA for the night and to spend the day on Friday exploring the town.

On our way our, we stopped at the Field of Dreams movie site, just outside of Dyersville, IA. We always drive by and see the signs, but never have time to stop. So this was perfect!

We actually saw this movie for the first time a few months ago. It’s a good movie—I highly recommend it.

Here’s a quick trailer in case you are not familiar:

Field of Dreams

And this was my favorite part of the movie. I really got a good chuckle out of this one, since I live in Iowa and all…

Is this Heaven?

According to the ghost from baseball past, Iowa can be confused for heaven. Smile with tongue out

And now after seeing the trailer and the scenes in the movie, isn’t this the coolest thing ever?

Galena 005

Too bad it was closed! I would have loved to go out on the field or see the inside of the house. Maybe another time.

Galena 001

Galena 003

Galena 008

We stayed at a nice hotel in Galena. We went swimming right away. And then we swam again this morning. I actually got 30 minutes of exercise in this morning by swimming and doing some aerobics in the pool. It felt great. Hubby got to practice his floating and actually swam!

Galena 009

We also got to spend some time in the hot tub, which felt awesome on our sore muscles after the 5K on Wednesday.

Galena 010

We grabbed a quick continental breakfast. I had 1/4 of a Belgium waffle with light syrup, eggs, and skim milk.

Galena 013

And then it was off to Galena! It was so much fun to explore the downtown area. It was HOT today. This was later on in the afternoon:

Galena 033

But we just walked from shop to shop and it wasn’t so bad! We just made sure to drink plenty of water.

Galena 015

The town is very pretty and historical with a lot of great shops.

Here are some pics of a few finds:

Galena 014

The tiniest bread pan I’ve ever seen:

Galena 016

Galena 018

Maybe someday if I ever become an editor!

Galena 019

Galena 020

Too funny. haha.

We cooled down by grabbing iced lattes as a local coffee shop. I ordered a non-fat coconut iced latte. Delish!

Galena 017

For lunch, we stopped at this place:

Galena 023

Good food, but not the best service. I ordered this salad with spinach, chicken, bleu cheese, walnuts, strawberries and raspberry vinagrette. I did not eat the bread stick.

Galena 022

It was SO good.

Galena 021

There were lots of fun things to look at in the stores.

Galena 024

Including a chocolate shop that sold imported chocolate…

Galena 025

I ate two little pieces:

Galena 026

Hubby tried out a diet Root Beer. Some fancy schmancy kind.

Galena 027

This place seriously was foodie heaven. Lots of foodie stores. Lots of samples to try. I added a few points for that! I did purchase some coffee and locally made BBQ sauce. Yummy!

This was the oldest house in Galena, which we looked at, but didn’t go in because you had to pay to do that…

Galena 029

And then we went to an open house at an All American Homes place. We always drive by this place and LOVE the outside. Well turns out, we LOVE the inside too!! It was just perfect.

Galena 031 

Galena 032

Galena 030

Yep, that’s our dream home! Maybe someday!

After that, we drove through downtown Dubuque just for the fun of it.

Galena 034

We ate supper in Dubuque at the Texas Roadhouse. I limited myself to one roll.

Galena 035

Had a few peanuts:

Galena 036

A garden salad with no croutons:

Galena 037

And a plain sweet potato with 1/2 of a BBQ chicken breast. I took the rest home.

Galena 038

It was a yummy supper. On the way home, we stopped at DQ and I ate a small chocolate cone.

Galena 039

And that was the end of our trip! I am happy with today. I feel like I made good decisions, but also enjoyed good food in moderation.

I’m happy. Open-mouthed smile

And it was a fun mini-vacation! We need to do this more often!

I took 9,259 steps today. So it was an active day too. And to think the weekend is just beginning! I love holidays and vacation time!


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun :)

  2. You are so lucky. "Field of Dreams" is one of my most favorite movies. In fact, I just recently finished reading a book titled "Ark" by John Heldon that had that same type of feel. I have been thinking how fun it would be to visit the site where the film was made. Looks so charming!

  3. Our sunflowers bloomed. They didn’t grow very tall or very big this year. Either it’s because of the dry, hot weather or because we bought different seeds this year. Probably the latter.




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