Thursday, July 12, 2012

First Weigh in on Old WW Plan

Hello there!

Today was my first weigh in day back on the old Weight Watcher plan.

*drum roll please*

And your official weigh in is….


That’s a 4.6 lb. loss for the week. 2.12% of my body weight lost. I have lost a total of 76.4 lbs. and 26.5% of my body weight.

Woah! I never thought about that before! I’ve lost over 1/4 of myself!!! Holy moly!

I’m trying really hard to be excited about the weight loss this week. But I hate that I’m still about 10 lbs. above my lowest. But I will get there. I will!

And I finally updated my ticker…even though I hate that it’s below 80 lbs. now. But I have to concentrate on the future, not the past.

I also want to note my stats for the week:

I ate 35/35 flex points.

I earned 20 Activity Points and did not eat any of them.

I regret to inform you that I was unable to get a photo of my breakfast. My sincerest apologies. Winking smileWe had a guest over and I wasn’t able to snap a photo. But I will describe my breakfast in great detail.

I ate warm, moist, scrambled eggs with flavorful Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles. I also ate 1/2 of a whole wheat english muffin fresh from the toaster. I topped it with natural peanut butter which melted on top, creating a sheen of silky goodness. I had a side of fresh blueberries, bright red strawberries, sweet Missouri peaches, and slightly overripe bananas mixed together—the flavor bursting in every bite. You get the picture now?

Yes, I know, I’m a nerd.

While working, I sipped on an iced latte with natural vanilla creamer.

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I could hardly keep my eyes open this morning! I was so tired.

On my break, I ate a WW string cheese.

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For lunch, I ate a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, sliced almonds, Italian blend cheese, and BBQ pork.

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I finished it up with leftover fruit from breakfast.

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I got to work on job #2 after lunch. After a while I started to get so tired again and a little hungry. So I ate an apple with PB.

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But I was still oh so tired. So I decided to call it quits for the afternoon. I love that I can do that with this job! Open-mouthed smile

I was still craving something, so I ate a serving of these things:

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They’re pretty tasty, but are 3 points per serving. A little high. Not something I’d eat everyday.

I think the real reason I wanted to eat was because I was so tired. So I finally just took a nap. And I slept for almost 2 hours! I guess I needed that.

Hubby woke me up when he called to say he was on his way home, so I got supper together.

I made Fiber One pancakes topped with sugar free syrup, 2 slices of turkey bacon, and an egg beaters omelet with a little cheese, tomatoes and onions.

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It hit the spot! I watered down the pancakes and got them to .66 point per pancake! Amazing. And so good. It was a mistake actually. But a mistake I’ll probably make intentionally next time.

Hubby surprised me by picking us up a cupcake each from my favorite place on earth, a cupcakery in a nearby town. He was in the area for work and thought of me. awwwwww.

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The box fell over in his lunch box so it’s a little smashed. But that didn’t affect the taste. Totally worth using a few flex points on!

The place is SUPER popular. When we discovered it, it was the tiniest little shop ever. There was barely room for 5 people in the store. They have since expanded to a much larger location and are opening up a 2nd. They really are that good. People line up for them. So it’s an indulgence I am willing to use points on. You’ve probably seen pictures of the cupcakes before, if you’re a long time reader!

Whew! What a carb-arific day! But overall, I’m happy with how I did.

And now hubby and I have to make a little road trip and if we have time we’ll go to the pool so we can swim. I need to practice my back stroke!

Tomorrow’s Friday!!


  1. Yummy! I am on my you know what this week so I have been trying to do good...craving sweets though!

  2. I love cupcakes! I need to do a long bike ride for one soon, I have missed those :D

  3. That is an awesome loss!!! Congratulations!


  4. That is a fantastic lost! So happy you've found/gone back to what works best for you. So much of this journey is trial and error. I just know you're going to be super successful.

  5. Good job on the loss for the week. Keep it up. :)

  6. Great work on the loss!

    I could almost taste your breakfast ;)

  7. Sounds amazing!! Great loss

  8. I haven't weighed myself in a couple months because I was really obsessing before. I decided that I was going to just go by my clothes fitting and since I was following the + points plan I thought I would be fine. I ended up gaining weight, my pants were getting so tight and it just became too frustrating. I am starting back up on the old plan as well. Congratulations on losing weight back on the old plan. You are such a fabulous inspiration! xo



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