Thursday, July 5, 2012

Back to the Old WW Plan

I made the decision this morning that today was going to be the day that I get back on track. A completely new start.

I stepped on the scale this morning to find that I not only gained 4 lbs. from yesterday, but reached the highest weight I’ve seen in a long time. And I didn’t think I did too terribly yesterday! I think that some of that may have been fluids though, especially with the heat. I weighed in at 216.2, my lowest so far was 201…I’ve been hovering somewhere between 210-212. So this was a shocker this morning. But the fact that I’m 15 lbs. up from my lowest was heartbreaking, but also enough motivation to make me want to figure things out once and for all!

I also saw a video of myself and saw the pictures of myself at the race yesterday and noticed that I am looking bigger. I hate that. It sounds weird, but it makes me hate myself enough to want to change. I know I shouldn’t hate myself, but sometimes you need those moments to bring you to your lowest so that you are willing to admit there’s a big problem.

So, first thing this morning, my Dad and I went for a 2.5 mile walk.

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My Dad also said that he thought I should start taking pictures of my food and doing my old daily posts again to see if that helps. So I’m going to give it a try! I honestly don’t know if I’ll have the time to keep it up, but I’ll try! It’s a new day, a new beginning, right?

After that walk, I was retaining water so badly I couldn’t get my ring off! The heat really messes with your body. I drank a ton of water and felt a lot better.

I picked some blackberries from the garden this morning. They weren’t quite ripe, but if you don’t pick them, the birds get them!

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For breakfast, I ate an egg, skim milk, 1/2 serving of oatmeal with fresh fruit.

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My family left shortly after that. It was nice to have them here for a day!

For lunch, I ate a big salad with lettuce, tomatoes, chicken breast, tortilla strips, 0% Greek yogurt, and salsa.

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I had lots of events to cover yesterday, so I finished up my work and sent it off to the editor.

I had my appointment with the dietician today. On one hand, I don’t feel like I got out of it what I had hoped to, and on the other hand I know that I didn’t really have any expectations either. I wasn’t sure what I wanted or needed.

The dietician was awesome. No fault to her at all. She was very knowledgeable and kind. She basically has exactly the same philosophy as me, all things in moderation. We talked about all of the different diets out there and different ways of eating (i.e. never eating gluten, never eating flour, never eating sugar, fruits are bad for you, etc.) and she said what they all come down to is getting back to nature. It’s about being healthy and it’s about getting away from processed foods. That really helped me sum it all up. Isn’t that what it’s really all about?

We talked about calories and how many I should be eating. She said it’s ok to eat exercise calories, as long as I have a deficit. She walked through the new My Plate eating guidelines, we talked about plateaus, emotional eating, and nutrition labels. We also talked about how I can fit exercise into my busy schedule and about how to adapt to life change.

But I felt like I knew all of what she was telling me. And she told me that she could tell she wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. I think it really just comes down to the fact that I have to get something together in my head. It’s a mental thing for me. I tried to talk to her about that, but didn’t feel she really “got” what I was saying. Probably a different conversation to have with a different specialist if I ever feel the need.

She gave me a lot of literature to look over, and even gave me quite a few chia seeds! She recommended upping my fiber intake to try to keep me satisfied longer. We talked for an hour, and I only paid for 30 minutes. Overall, it was a good talk. I didn’t get a magic formula, but I did receive some guidelines.

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After all of that, I made the decision to start following the old WW plan again. Not Points Plus, I know that doesn’t work for me. But the old plan, I believe it was called Flex Points, did work for me. So I’m kicking it old school, using books to look up points values, and using a calculator to determine the points off of nutrition labels. I don’t remember how many points common foods are anymore! It’s been a long time since WW changed plans.

And I’m hopeful this will work! So far so good today.

I made sure to bring a big bottle of water with me today. It was another scorcher!

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I ran a few errands after the appointment, but wasn’t really in the mood to do much shopping.

I was famished by the end of the appointment. Not to mention, feeling a little emotionally drained. I don’t know why, but I recognized the feeling and didn’t allow myself to drive through anywhere and get a snack. I just came home instead. That’s a NSV for me!

At home, I ate 1/2 cup of light vanilla yogurt with leftover fruit from this morning and 1 Tbs. of chia seeds.

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I like the chia seeds! I like the gelatin like stuff, which she told me is a healthy fat, that comes out of them. Chewy and delicious.

Hubby and I both have vacation time Wed.-Fri. this week. He worked a side job today while I did my thing.

For supper, I ate a chicken salad sandwich topped with lettuce and swiss along with homemade pickles and zucchini. Hubby ate leftover pasta from a dinner out the other night, I made the decision not to do that. Another NSV. Look at that, two in one day! Winking smile

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I have 7.5 points left for the day. How many extra points do you get each week on the Flex Points plan? I’m thinking it’s 35. I earned 3 AP’s while walking with my Dad this morning.

Hubby and I are going on a mini-vacation! I will take pics for tomorrow!

Until next time!


  1. I threw out all my old WW material including the paper calculators but when I was doing that program, I discovered that a point was usually around 50 or 60 calories. I used to guess very accurately how many points were in something just going by the calories.

    I hope you enjoy your mini-vacation very much. :)

  2. Isn't it crazy how outdated the last Weight Watchers plan seems now even though it wasn't too long ago that we were all on it? I wish you luck in your new endeavor! I've been trying to find the magic formula for myself. The old points system worked well for me when I let it, but it seems like so much more work now! Anyway, good luck, I'm cheering you on every step fo the way :)

  3. I know how you feel about "hating" yourself. I personally think you're beautiful. You & I weigh the same but you definitely look a lot slimmer!

  4. You are far from alone! I waqs holding steady at 200. And have been bouncing b/t 203-207 for the past few days and it is scaring the CRAP out of me! But WE CAN! GL! Lets do it!

  5. I'd like to suggest you watch the sugar in foods, but don't go for aspartame foods.
    My only dislike for the point system is this :
    If I have 20 points a day. A full fat yogurt ( the best choice ) is 3 points and the fat free aspartame filled yogurt is only 1 point......what yogurt will you chose.
    I chose aspartame filled food so that I had more points to eat......and ended up in hospital
    I'm not saying don't do this plan, just be aware.
    For me cutting back on sugar is what is hel
    Ing me maintain the weight I've lost.

  6. Good luck! I hope this is what you need!

  7. I totally understand! I have been at WW for 5 years and struggling, lately. I am back up to 215 after being down to 190. I am frustrated and unsure. I am going to save some money and do WW on my own and hoping to join a gym. You sound so much like me. Keep it up and love your blog!

  8. What an inspriing post :) You have worked hard and I am definitely rooting for you. Sometimes you have to get back on a plan that you know works for you. Enjoy your mini-vaca.

  9. I think you look great in your pics, Alissa. No hate talk, you are awesome and strong and can totally do this!!!

  10. Good luck Alissa!!!! You are amazing, no matter what weight! And you WILL reach your goal and we'll be here cheering you on all the way. Enjoy the mini vacation!!!!

  11. YAY!! I love your food pics!! I think you will do great this time around! I cant wait to see you opend the onderland box!!!

  12. You may opt for aspartame if you want to add sugar in your diet. This is safe because even pregnancy and aspartame does nothing harm.



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