Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Feeling Better Again

I did lose a couple of pounds this morning. Yay! But I’m still up from last week. Tomorrow is weigh in day, I’d be happy if I could at least lose the rest and stay the same for the week. But we will see.

I’m starting to feel better mentally. The only way I can explain how I feel when I don’t feel right is “cloudy”. Like I’m looking through different eyes and thinking someone else’s thoughts. Everything is tainted and blurred. Weird, huh? This doesn’t happen every month, but it does happen every few months it seems like. I’m going to start tracking when.

For breakfast, I ate Cheerios with fresh blueberries and strawberries.

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While working, I sipped on an iced latte.

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On my first break, I ate 1/3 cup Greek yogurt with fresh peaches and chia seeds.

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For lunch, I ate a spinach salad with lettuce, 2 boiled egg whites, tomato, ham, and light ranch.

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I was also craving BBQ potato straws, so I ate a serving of those.

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I finished it up with an apple and PB.

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And that filled me up!

After that, I got to work for job #2. My goal is to work 2 hours a day because then I will officially work 40 hours per week between the two jobs. I got in over 2 hours and called it quits for the day.

I have been thinking constantly about the two little girls that are STILL missing. This has captured the hearts of everyone around here. And so close to home. It just breaks my heart. I can’t imagine what the parents are going through. I just hope that they come home SAFELY, by some miracle.


I have a ton of zucchini from the in-law's so I decided to try  making Zucchini Blueberry Bread. I’ve never made baked goods with zucchini, so this was a first for me. I may or may not have eaten a piece of this, but I CAN tell you that it’s very moist and delicious…errr guilty.

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I finished up some coffee I had in the fridge, with a little milk and FF Hazelnut creamer.

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I even had some time to chat with Jessica, my weight loss buddy. Nice talking to you, Jessica! Smile

I started some research for Job #2 and kind of got engrossed in it. I love research. Pretty happy that I get to do that for my job every once in a while. Open-mouthed smileSo I ended up working over an hour!

For supper, I made Sandwich Thin pizzas with green beans.

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I ate another piece of Blueberry Zucchini bread, it only comes out to 2 points per piece. Amazing. I didn’t take another picture. 

I still have a few points left for the day, so I guess I did ok! It may have helped to have a breakfast that was fewer points. I seem to want to eat more in the later afternoon and evening, whether I eat a big breakfast or not.

We are officially half way through the week!!


  1. Glad you're feeling better!
    That blueberry zucchini bread looks delish.
    It breaks my heart every time I hear of a child missing. I hope they're found soon.

  2. You need to share that zucchini bread recipe ;)

  3. Those sandwich thin pizzas are a great idea! Def going to try this!

  4. Glad you are feeling better. That salad looks so good and you must share your blueberry zucchini recipe! xo

  5. I have been doing Weight Watchers since November and before that was doing Alli. I've noticed that since starting weight watchers, I don't weigh myself at all. While doing Alli, I weighed myself everyday and my family knew how the day was going to be by how my morning weigh in went. It's tough, I know, but if you can stop focusing on that number and maybe on something like how many steps you take, it might help take some of the pressure off that number that gets me every week too but at least its just once a week. I weigh in on Saturdays and have been following you for some time now as I am struggling myself. It sucks and I hope only the best for you!

  6. on that joy and content, shifting attention away from what isn't right about the current situation. This is a great first step in getting back to where you want to be.

    Bingo Bonus

  7. Discouraged, its a process and all a part of the journey. Keep up the positive vibes and you will win on the end.


  8. Discouraged, its a process and all a part of the journey. Keep up the positive vibes and you will win on the end.


  9. Have you contemplated a tape measure method to record your waist circumference as a back-up to the scale method? Cuz, you've gotta be losing inches, baby.

    BJJ Belts



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