Wednesday, August 1, 2012

At Peace Again

The scale showed me some love this morning. Open-mouthed smile

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal with sliced peaches and skim milk. The very last of the Missouri peaches. *sniffles*

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Until next year!

While working, I sipped on a Caramel Macchiato iced latte with skim.

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I got off of work early again today. Yay!

My knees were finally feeling good today, so I got to try out the elliptical for the first time. I did 30 minutes. The distance said 1315 and I have no idea what that means and cannot find a manual online. It was a good workout though!

The elliptical doesn’t have a place to put magazines, which kind of sucks, but for $25, I can deal. So I tried to rig up my own creation to hold a magazine on. Didn’t work the greatest, but it sort of worked!

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Yep, a DIY magazine rack for an elliptical. Involving ribbon…lol I don’t really recommend it. Winking smile

For lunch, I ate a turkey brat on light bread with PB and ketchup.

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I also had a salad made with lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, and almonds topped with poppy seed dressing.

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I was still hungry, so I ate an apple with PB.

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And then I got to work on job #2. I got a good amount of work done, and decided I might as well spend some more time at the pool!

On the way there, I stopped at the library. They have a book sale going on, so I bought a book about how to make small talk. Hey, I need help. lol. I read that at the pool for a while.

I swam during the adult swim for 10 minutes. Wow, that’s a good workout!

And then I dried off in the sun and sipped on a slushee..


A nice, cool treat on a warm day.

I love getting off work early because that means I get more time for ME! Open-mouthed smile

When I got home, I got supper prepared and in the oven and did some house work.

For supper, I ate chicken and rice (with brown rice), steamed broccoli, garden fresh tomatoes, and homemade refrigerator pickles.

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The chicken and rice wasn’t as delicious as when my Mom used to make it. She must have a secret ingredient!

For dessert, I experimented and made some vanilla cheesecake cups.

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Another good day on the books! Open-mouthed smile

I’m starting to get my life balance back and it feels good. My priorities are back in line and I feel more at peace again. Ahhh… a good feeling.


  1. Oh my heavens a slushie would be amazing when it's been so hot lately! Glad things are feeling like they're on track for you again :)

  2. Peanut butter and ketchup? Oh, Alissa! :)

  3. I think I vomited a little at your lunch! :) I am jealous of your pool time!

  4. Something tells me that you couldn't survive in a world without peanut butter. Haha!

  5. Those cheesecake cups sound interesting! Would love it if you could post the recipe and nutrition/Points info!

  6. Yay for the scale love!!!! I can't believe you got that eliptical for $25!!! What an amazing steal!!!! Hope the great days continue Alissa!!

  7. Which kind of sucks, but for $25, deal. So tried to rig up my own creation to hold a magazine on. Didn’t work the greatest, but it sort of worked!

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  8. Always amazed it isn’t more money… because certainly not making enough to have to deal with some of the people have to deal with!!

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  9. Have to work a long day at Job #1 tomorrow, so that’ll take the stress level down a notch since have most everything completed.

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  10. For all time amazed it isn’t further currency… for the reason that certainly not making enough to have to deal with some of the populace have to deal with!!


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