Monday, July 9, 2012

A Busy Day, But on Track

The holiday is officially over. Blerg.

In case you missed it:

I ran a 5k over the 4th of July.

I met with a dietician and decided to follow the Flex Points WW plan again.

Hubby and I went on a mini-vacation and visited a movie site.

And then there were were just a couple of normal days here and there.

I found these at the store yesterday:

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Had to try them. I did notice they have an artificial sweetener in them though.

For breakfast, I ate 1/2 of a whole wheat bagel thin spread with 1/2 of the strawberries and cream Laughing Cow wedge, egg beaters with Jimmy Dean sausage crumbles, 1/2 of a banana, and skim milk.

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A delicious and flavorful breakfast.

It was a nice and cool morning. I would love to be able to exercise in the mornings but I would have to wake up at 4:30 to do so. I will be willing to do that if I can’t seem to find a way to fit in my workouts throughout my days. So I’m going to try my best. Last night, hubby and I actually went for a run! It was perfect running weather and it felt great.

I was able to work with my windows open this morning because it was cooler outside than in the house! Felt nice to get some fresh air. I sipped on my iced latte while working.

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I keep some plants in the porch during the summer. They are doing amazing. Such beautiful blooms!

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The African violet is from my Grandma’s funeral a few years ago, and is special to me. The orange flowers are from a plant that hubby gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. I’m happy I’ve kept them both alive!! No small feat!

On my break, I ate 1/2 cup of Chobani 0% vanilla yogurt with 1/2 cup each of blueberries and strawberries with 1 tbs. chia seeds.

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For lunch, I ate a chicken salad sandwich on a sandwich thin with lettuce and tomato and a side of kale chips.

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I was still hungry, so I ate an apple with peanut butter.

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I was glad I did because the rest of my day was crazy busy at my second job. I had an interview at a local shop and then a photo op and other work to do! Next thing I knew, 4 hours had passed and hubby was on his way home from work. So that puts me at working 6-12 and then 1-5. It’s amazing how much easier it is to work a job that you actually enjoy doing. Hopefully someday I can write full time.

For supper, I ate a BBQ pork salad with tomatoes and feta. I used the BBQ sauce that I picked up in Galena. Ah-Maz-Ing!

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You would be proud of me because someone gave me these chocolates today and I decided I would eat one but had to save it for dessert after supper. And I did.

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It was basically a chocolate covered Oreo.

Hubby and I are planning on going to the pool tonight. I will swim and move around for 30 minutes to get my workout in.

It’s been a long day and I’m ready to crash! Miraculously, I still have points left for the day.

Hope you had a good Monday!


  1. Sounds like a great day :) Good job!

  2. girl i have sooo missed your food posts!! i love them!! you are doing SO good!!!!!

  3. I just posted about the cinnamon laughing cow! I didn't see the artificial sweetener in it...pooh.

  4. Looks like a great day! That chocolate looks so yummy!

  5. How special are those beautiful flowers!

  6. Looks delicious! :) Those orange flowers are beautiful, do you know what kind of plant it is? Also, how do you make your kale chips?? I've heard of them now a few times but never had them nor do I know how to make them- Can you give me a clue? :)

  7. OMG! I have to find those Laughing cow flavors! Sounds like you had a great day! Great job on eating the chocolate for dessert

  8. GREAT eats, girly.

    Also, I saw those cinnamon cream cheese spread thingies at Walmart and went nuts over 'em. But I didn't get them for some reason. I wish I had now. :)

  9. I always love your photographed eats! I love PB and apple!



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