Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day #2—A Success

This morning I was much happier when I stepped on the scale. On my first day, I lost 4.4 lbs. I weighed in at 211.4. I’m trying not to think about the fact that I’ve been 10 lbs. lower than that, but I’m just going to be happy for such a HUGE loss!! I guess some of that was water weight after all.

For breakfast, I ate an egg with FF cheese and ham on a sandwich thin along with 1/2 a banana.

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I used to laugh at people who ate 1/2 a banana but now I kind of understand it. 1/2 the calories!

And then it was time to work again. While working, I sipped on an iced latte.

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On my break, I ate a Quaker Stila with blueberry. It’s a crispy oat cookie bar with fruit filling. Delicious and only 100 calories, but I don’t like that they have HFCS in them. Didn’t look when I bought them!

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I was starving a couple of hours later. I got off work 1 hour early, which was nice, especially since I was so hungry!

For lunch, I made a salad with lettuce, strawberries, blackberries, oven roasted chicken bites, slivered almonds, 1/2 slice of gouda cheese, and raspberry vinaigrette.

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And a little closer:

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Mmmmm so good! The only thing that would make this salad better is feta and blueberries.

I finished it up with one of these:

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And then I got started on some work for Job #2.

I took a 5 minute break to eat a snack around 2:00. I had 1/2 cup of grapes and 1/2 oz. of English Walnuts. Delicious snack!


I worked for a few hours and then decided to stop working for the day so that I could make sure I got a workout in. I was SO hungry at that point, but thought I should wait and just eat an earlier supper.

I walked 1.64 miles in 32 minutes. All I thought about the entire time was food. lol. That and I listened to the Jillian Michaels Podcast, which I love!

For supper, I made a pizza on a Light Flat Out with sauce, spinach, cheese, ham, turkey sausage, and tomatoes.

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I also had a side of green beans.

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For dessert, I had FF/SF Butterscotch Pudding and FF Whipped Topping.

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I have 68 calories left for my daily goal of 1370 today. I am also allowing myself to eat 1/2 of my exercise calories burned, based on the Fit Bit Stats, which is really a gauge of how active I am. They do not roll over to the next day though.

Right now, due to extra activity in the day, above sedentary, I have 120 additional calories I can eat if I want to.

I am also allowing myself 1000 extra calories a week, kind of like the WW Weekly Points idea. I am doing this because if I go over my calories I feel like a failure, and this way, I will still lose weight if I need to eat them, but still stay in control.

Another good day down!


  1. Great job! The pizza you made looks like a delicious (and healthy!) alternative to regular pizza. I will have to try it!

  2. Love flat outs! I recently had to go to two stores to find them so I bought 2 packs. I'm making them into pizza this week. Congrats on your 4.4 drop. Awesome.

  3. It is very nice to see the scale go down. Good job on two good days. Cheers, I raise my glass of water to toast you. :)

  4. You can do this! Good job with the big salads. It the best way for me to get some veggies too.

  5. Congrats on the eating! I'm also at 1370 calories right now and feel like it's a manageable number. I was trying to stick to 1200 for a while and it was WAY too low.

  6. Good for you, and how amazing to have such a large loss right off the bat getting back on track. That right there had to be some serious motivation/inspiration! xo

  7. Way to go Alissa! You are indeed back on track. I had my first "flat out" pizza last weekend at a friend's place, holy smokes, they really work well!!! I'll be using them myself very soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday.



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