Monday, May 21, 2012

Back on Track

So after this post this morning, you will know how I am doing right now.

So I thought I would do a picture post to try to keep myself on track today.

For breakfast, I ate an egg on a piece of Smart Wonder bread toast along with fresh strawberries and a big glass of water(x2).

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And then I had a moment to myself to shed my tears about the condition I am in and how I feel so badly about myself. But not much time to dwell on that because I had to get to work!

While working, I sipped on my very last Trader Joe’s Duchess Grey tea. They no longer sell this stuff. Sad smile

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On my first break, I ate an apple.

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And string cheese.

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Job #1 doesn’t help matters. I absolutely hate it. And now that I have Job #2, that I am truly happy with, it makes Job #1 even worse. I am tired of being yelled at. I’m tired of being pushed around. I am tired of working a job where my pay doesn’t reflect what I do. But I have to deal with it for now, and they are doing what they can for me, and I appreciate that part of it. My coworkers are awesome, the job itself just sucks.

But the good news is that I’m off at noon so that I am available for job #2.

I talked to my friend Jessica on the phone after work. We decided to re-start our competition and change some things up a bit too. We will officially start that June 1st and it will end October 1st. I will have more details on that later. For now, we are both just trying to get back to the basics and establish healthy habits. She hasn’t gained like I have though! Thanks for the motivational talk, Jessica!

For lunch, I made a salad out of fresh spinach from the in-law’s garden, baked chicken bites, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, light ranch and BBQ sauce.

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Yummy! Salads are the easiest way for me to eat veggies—which is always a struggle!

I didn’t have a lot of work that I HAD to get done today for Job #2, so I decided this would be a great time for me to go get groceries and stock the house with healthy foods to get me started again. I work for about 1/2 hour and then I headed out for groceries. 

While driving for groceries, I drank coffee with creamer.

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It was nice stocking up on healthy things. There’s something about getting healthy groceries right when you decide to recommit to weight loss and healthy living again. Know what I mean?

In between stores, I snacked on a Nature Valley Granola Thin- Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor.

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They looked interesting and I’m always looking for snacks that are less than 100 calories. These are 80 calories each. Kind of like eating a cookie. I liked it!

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I was starving when I got home, and hubby called to say he was going to be late and to go ahead with supper if I wanted. From now on, I will go ahead with supper because otherwise I end up snacking too much! Which is good because he wasn’t to get home until 8:30!

I baked a Van De Kamp’s Parchment Bake Tilapia with baked kale chips.

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So good and so low calorie!

I was still kind of hungry, so I ate 1/2 a slice of Gouda cheese.

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I finished it up with FF/SF Butterscotch pudding.

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I checked in with Jessica after that. We are going to check in more often because actually talking on the phone helps keep on track!

So last night, hubby made burgers on the grill and they fell apart. He was so mad that they didn’t turn out and fell through the grates. They tasted just fine, but they were all broken up and he was all out of sorts about it. So I had to laugh when I looked out the window and saw this:

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hehehe the neighbors dog sure liked his hamburgers!!

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It got a bit LOL via text from hubby too. Smile

After that, I headed out for a walk. My goal is to get 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week. Anything is good for now. Anything to get me moving again. I walked 1.81 miles in 33 minutes. It felt absolutely amazing. By the end of the walk, I felt refocused and much more myself again. One thing I thought about was that I want to make a difference in this world. I know I can. It’s just about finding how.

I’m actually at the end of the day with 435 calories left. That puts me in a really good position. I will probably eat a snack tonight. No feeling deprived today! I had a fantastic day! I met my fruits/veggie servings and drank 12 cups of water. I’m so happy to be back on track. One day down, a new day tomorrow!


  1. Keep on keeping on! I love those granola cookie thins too. You're doing fine and we love you the way you are. :)

  2. Do you think you do a better job of eating when you post pictures? Seems like the ultimate accountability! I admire you for it.

  3. Love your to go mug with the flowers so pretty! Also good idea posting pictures of your meals! Keep up the good work!

  4. Back on track are 3 of the sweetest words we can hear!! So glad to hear you had a great day. :)




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