Monday, May 28, 2012

20 Mile Bike Ride with Pics

Hubby and I went on a nice 20 mile bike ride today! It was beautiful! The park we rode through was very shaded in most parts, so it was the perfect location for a hot day. Here are some photos!

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I’m not really sure what that line is across my head? lol weird. Must have been my hair blowing in the wind.

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There were a lot of people out in the park today, being a holiday. I was reminded of how lucky I am to be able to move and bike—even though I may not like how I look or like my weight. We saw a man who could barely walk, walking the trails with two canes. He looked like he was learning to walk again, recovering from an accident. It reminded me to count my blessings. To be Thankful for what I do have.

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Lilly pads! I don’t know why, but I am fascinated by these.

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A goose:

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Pretty flowers:

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And one more of us…our customary “end of the ride” photo. We actually don’t look that tired! I think we could have biked a lot farther.

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We actually rode pretty consistently, I think out average pace was about 12-13 mph. We stopped a couple of times for water. I felt a lot more fit this time riding these same trails that we rode last year. Weird. But it seemed easier.

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Hopefully we have a lot more rides like this over the summer!


  1. It looks like you had a great day! I really want to get into riding my bike again. THe weather was nice where you were today too! It definitely was a weekend to get out and enjoy the weather.

  2. I think you look great. Nice pics of the ride!

  3. Looks like a wonderful way to spend Memorial Day. Hope the rest of your week goes well too.

  4. You look awesome!!! Way to enjoy the weather.

  5. What a great thing to do on Memorial Day! Sounds like you enjoyed it!

  6. You both look great..looks like it was a nice day too! I love going for a bike ride with my sweet husband!

  7. Looks lovely!! and you're looking great! :D

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