Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday and Sunday


For breakfast I had 1 slice of light wheat toast, 1 tsp ICBINB, one egg, 2 small clementines and 2 cups of 1% milk. (7.5 pts)

For lunch I had BBQ beef, 1/2 cup sweet potatos and 1 cup of cooked carrots. Of course I had to have dessert, 2 Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. (14 pts)
For a snack I had 1 little debbie 100 calorie nutty bar. (3 pts) I had a coupon for these, but I don't think I would buy them again. They're not worth 3 points!For supper I had a pork tenderloin chop, eggplant rounds, green beans. For dessert I had 2 chocolate chip cookies. (10.5 pts)
For a snack later on I had Smart Pop kettle corn. (1 pt)

I obviously had a lot of sweets on Saturday! Too many cookies! I need to make some fat free, sugar free pudding to have in the house. I know my best bet would be to make smoothies, which is a serving or two of fruit AND dairy. I stocked up on fruits and veggies this weekend so I'm all set!

Sunday has been another story. I started my day off right with 1 cup of Fiber One Caramel Delight cereal, 1 Tangelo, and 2 cups of 1% milk. We were invited to my in law's for lunch, and the food is delicious. I cut the meat that we were having in 1/2, and tried to estimate my servings of the side dishes, but with dessert, etc. It all adds up. We had ground sirloin (I think), potato salad, Beans with this delicious brown sugar type sauce, peach jello, and homemade bread. For dessert we had vanilla ice cream and apple cobbler. I estimated lunch alone to be 28 points, I overestimated everything I ate. The good news is, at least I got a few servings of vegetables. For supper I had 2 Carb Smart tortillas with a small amount of shredded beef, salsa, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole and 1 serving of Baked Lays. I'm not really sure about the points as I already felt like I had ruined it with lunch. For dessert I had 2 Girl Scouts cookies. What a day for my diet. Actually, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I'm going to run into days like this for the rest of my life, but most days won't be like this. Move on, right?

The good news is that I have worked out for the past 2 days now!! I have earned 7 APs for the week for far. I created a calendar so that I have scheduled my workouts. I have a different workout for almost everyday to try to mix things up a bit. I was getting some pains in my arm when I ran the last time and it made me worry I was pushing myself too hard with trying to run at this point in the game. I just walked 30 minutes yesterday and altered the speed and incline throughout the workout. It was much more enjoyable. When I run, I end up coughing for the rest of the day too. Any exercise is good, right?

1 comment :

  1. Lyn, the well-known (heck, she's famous!) blogger at "Escape from Obesity," has been candid about her struggles recently.

    Lyn has been an inspiration to thousands of dieters, and right now she needs a little encouragement. Drop by her blog at and give her some support.



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