Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today I brought a fiber one bar with me to eat on my drive home from school. I must say that it is helping with the hunger issue so that I am not so hungry by the time I get home that I eat anything in sight.

I went to Taco Bell for lunch today. I tried a Fresco Style Supreme Chicken Burrito. I have never tried anything Fresco style before but it was sooo good. Only 6 points, I'd say it is worth it for something different. The guy that worked there said they just take off the cheese and sour cream and it eliminates a lot of the fat and calories. Maybe the refried beans helped fill me up a little more too. That would count as a vegetable, right?

As I assumed, I lost over 2 pounds this morning. I am no longer going to look forward to a weigh in because I always jinx myself. As I've said before, I weigh everyday (so I know where I've been), but I only COUNT the weight on Wednesday, towards my goals and tracking on So I will hope for next week! I'm trying so hard to get these last pounds off! I think I'm going to buy myself a new pair of shoes for the 20 lb. goal. Anyone seen any cute ones lately?


  1. Yes! I just bought a pair today as a reward... I am actually going to post a picture later. I stalk the ROSS/TJ Maxx stores for shoes all the time...

  2. New shoes are always fun!!

    And the burrito sounds yum...might have to try that out!! Good to know the healthy options!



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