Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday's eats

For breakfast I had one egg on light wheat toast, 1 cup 100% orange juice, 1 banana. (4 pts)

Around 9:00 I had an apple and throughout the day I ate 1 cup of grapes. (2 pts)

For lunch I had a turkey and ham sub from subway, 15 baked doritos and a fat free vanilla pudding. (9 pts)

For supper I had 1 whole wheat roll, 2 cups green beans, 1 cup canned sweet potatos, 4 oz. hamburger with bbq sauce. (14 pts)
For dessert, I planned on only having one, but I ended up having 2 slices of whole wheat banana bread with about 1 tbps. total cream cheese frosting. (4.5)
For a snack while cuddling up with my husband to watch a show, 18 gobstoppers (2 pts)
I think this taking picture thing is really going to help me. I am realizing that I am not eating enough throughout the day and have TONS of points left over in the evening. While I will go over my points 1.5 to eat the gobbstoppers, I have all of my weekly points left. Looking at these pictures, I eat a lot of food!!! But this is how much food I'm supposed to eat on the plan, I guess. Once again, I ate a lot of bread. Guess I shouldn't bake bread!!


  1. Welcome to food blogging! It really does make you think about what you eat.

  2. glad to hear pics are helping u! I kno they sure have helped me!!

    keep it up girl!!



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