Saturday, February 28, 2009
Complacent - A Scary Thought
I am starting to see physical results from my weight loss, which is awesome! This is kind of weird, but I start to feel good (understandably) but then I start thinking I can eat what I want (not understandably). Why do I feel like that? I need to lose A LOT more weight! I guess I need to keep telling myself that the more I lose, the better I am going to look and feel. Does anyone else have this problem? It's like my good behavior is paying off and I reward it with bad behaviour. Strange.
I came across an article this morning that was a lot of inspiration for me. You can view it here.
My plan for today is to stay on points 100% and get in some well needed exercise. I must keep going and I know that I can! I need to take a look at all that I have accomplished so far and be proud of my hard work instead of downgrading myself. I am the only person who accomplished this. It was ME and if I can lose 20 lbs, I can certainly lose even more!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
One of those days
I am soooo hungry tonight for some reason. I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen but I did have two slices of cheese when I came home. I know that it is probably due to my not eating enough at lunch time. I need to eat something filling and then I do ok.
I know it is also due to stress. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing with my life (career wise). I'm a Junior in college and an English major. Sometimes I really hate my classes and wonder if this is really for me and other times I love it. I don't know what career options are out there for me. I got two papers back today and I got a C and a D. Uncalled of for me. I ALWAYS get A's on my papers. Except for the one time I got a B+. I know almost everyone else in the class didn't do very well either. But it still brings me down. I worry, I stress and then I go to the kitchen for comfort. This must be a coping mechanism that I came up with a long, long time ago and I need to learn new behaviors. Eating isn't going to solve anything.
Just felt like writing to get a few things off of my chest! Thanks for reading. :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Weigh in Day- I did it!!!
I lost 3.2 lbs this week also, which is the most I have lost so far I think! Taking pictures of everything I eat has really been helping me! It keeps me honest with myself.
So, I am on the lookout for a new pair of shoes for my 20 lb. goal reward! I decided I just couldn't spend $80 on the Puma's. I love them and everything, but that's just too expensive right now!
*I'll just keep doing my happy dance!* :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For supper I had 1 salmon fillet, 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, and 1 sweet potato, roasted and cut into fries. (9.5 pts)
For dessert I had 1 oatmeal raisin cookie, and 1 Swirls Italian Ice cup. (4 pts)


This may not seem huge, but the fact that my Valentine's day candy lasted over a week is a big deal for me. In the past, I would have had it all eaten in 2 days. I still have a full size Ghiardelli chocolate bar left! I have to give myself a pat on the back for that one. Baby steps!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
For breakfast I had 1 cup frosted mini wheat, 1/2 cup milk, banana and water. (6 pts)


Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday Eats

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday's eats

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wednesday Eats

For Supper I had 2 cups of iced tea, 1 glazed pork chop, 1 homemade whole wheat roll, 1 cup carrots. (10 pts)

For dessert I had 1/2 cup fat free vanilla yogurt with 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 slice of homemade whole wheat banana bread and I ended up putting about 1 tsp. cream cheese frosting on top of that. (3.5 pts)
I think I snacked too much today. What do you think? I know I went a little overboard with the bread today too. I baked the banana bread and the rolls today so I wanted to give them a try. I also drank about 9 cups of water total. I didn't get any dairy in, unless the ice cream and cheese count, I guess. I need to stop at the grocery store as we are out of milk.