Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Weigh in

Today is my official weigh in day. I weighed in at 227.2. In January 2012, I weighed 213.4, which is a gain of 13.8 lbs. in 2012. Unfortunately, I had already gained some weight at that point. My lowest official weigh in was December 2011 at 201.3 lbs. I am 25.9 lbs. above my lowest weight. I have kept off 61 of 86.7 lbs. lost.

This will be the last time I mention where I was before—until I get there again! I am starting new, like I haven’t lost anything yet.

Right now, I am focusing on eating right and staying within my points. Boot camp starts next week, and I will be more dedicated to exercise with the start of that eight week program.

I am continuing to follow WW because it seems like a program I can stick with. My problem has been sticking with it. I have been lacking the mental piece of the puzzle and I want to do better about that again.

I’m still thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. Do I want to run a 10K? Do I want to just focus on getting the weight off without putting too much pressure on myself with “training”? What is it that I want to accomplish this year? What specific goals do I want to set? Still thinking about it.

I know there are quite a few of us beginning again, or starting new, with this new year. Good luck to all of you, whether you’re just beginning or continuing on! I applaud all of you who had a good year and those of you who maintained. Keep it up!

May 2013 be our year!


  1. the holidays are brutal ....but you have got this ....stay postive .....take it one step at a time

  2. I weighed this morning, and it was my heaviest weight ever... to top the heaviest weight ever I saw on Saturday. Blah. Re-losing STINKS, but it must be done to get to a new low. I'm dreading it but looking forward to it all at the same time if that makes any sense...

  3. You've got this! You are focused and determined and will make this year a success :).

  4. You can do this!! I am having issues restarting. I am counting calories...and since Thanksgiving, I have had a lot of problems making myself track everything. But we have to be strict. We can do it!! Let's stay focused!!

  5. I am practically just where you are - with the gains this year and all. Here is to a fantastic 2013!

  6. We had a similar year, I w almost below 200 at the begining of 2012 and now I have gained some back. :) You can do this! Get back on the wagon and stay strong.

  7. Good luck Alissa - you have all the tools to succeed!

  8. Yep I am beginning again too. I am about 25 pounds over where I was this time last year (sad to say)

  9. You can totally do this. You've got it :)

  10. It will definitely be the best year for both of us!

  11. Great post. I am starting again after gaining back some but have a long road ahead of me. Thanks

  12. I'm starting back and vow to make this healthy lifestyle change for a lifetime!! Any good ww recipes would be appreciated!!

  13. Re-lossing as well. You are far from alone. But we can do it!

  14. The bootcamp I do starts next week too. Can. Not. Wait! It's hard to be motivated to working out without it. This is totally your year! You got this!



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