Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Emotions and Motivation

I should be working out this morning but I put it off. I MUST get it done tonight. Sometimes that helps me feel like I have a choice about it. But really, it has to be done whether I workout in the morning or at night. I just know it's a slippery slope to plan to workout in the evening after work when I'm tired.

I fit in 4 of 5 required workouts last week. I guess I could say that's an improvement because I hadn't exercised much the weeks before that...but I also didn't make my goal. I want to fit in the 5 workouts this week. I can do this!

I'm just sad this week due to things beyond my control. But this will continue for 4 months, so I need to get over it. In truth, I should have more time for my workouts now... So there should be no excuses.

I think part of my problem with emotional eating is because I don't acknowledge how I feel. Instead, I try to make myself feel better without really figuring out why I feel the way I do. Feeling sad is also not conducive to working out...looks like I need to talk myself through it, huh? Maybe then I will get my motivation back this week.

No worries though, I am still on track! Just feeling a little down and thought I better get it off my chest before it turns into a cookie...or three. You know what I mean. :) Have a good day!


  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling down...that's never good. Did you know when you exercise your body releases endorphin's that make you happy? it's the same for when you eat..that's why we all think eating makes us happy! It's always good to talk about problems..hope everything gets sorted out. xx

  2. Sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself. I felt like this yesterday too. Even when I woke up this morning. It is hard to shake. Chin up you can do it!

  3. Yes, sad = you NEED to exercise! Get that boost going. :) I'm sorry your life is rearranged for the next 4 months in whatever way. You are always so busy, though. Use those 4 months as a time to accomplish things you have been putting off, organizing the house, pushing in exercising or reading a good book! Turn the situation around as best you can. I know you missed your goal last week, but working out 4 days instead of 5 was still way better than 0 days! Woohoo! Great job for staying on track.

  4. I've also read that exercise will improve our moods. We should test that theory. :)

  5. Oh no girl!!! I hate feeling emotional and upset about things, go for a walk and drink you a good strong cup of coffee!!! God is always there and tommorow is a new day!! Hugs!!!

  6. The day isn't over and you have said you are going to workout tonight. Just keep the promise to yourself and do it. Tomorrow plan on doing it in the morning and then it will be over with for the day. I love going to Jazzercise at 8:15 and then I have the rest of the day to do what I want and don't have the "I still have to workout" conversation going on in my head. If it would help write it on your calendar like it was an important appointment you can't skip.

  7. I have to fit in a walk later, I got up this morning, got my workout clothes on and just was not feeling it so I crawled back into bed - oops.
    I try to think of this quote when I am feeling lazy (did not work this morning)"you will never regret working out, but you will regret not doing it"

  8. I have an issue with emotional eating as well. I've found keeping a journal with what I eat and how I feel helps a little. Also, just getting the exercise in has greatly improved my mood, which in turn has improved my eating. It all goes hand-in-hand. I found a new workout program that got me really psyched and pumped up about working out, and everything seems to be falling in to place. I suggest changing up your workout routine, or finding something new to try. It certainly helped me! Good luck!

  9. I feel you girl...being sad is not the way to get a workout it...unless you realize sometimes the post-workout endorphins are the best medicine. :)

    Take care!

  10. Sorry you have been down. I have been feeling that way, too. I think mine is associated with the weather and after the Holidays blues. Hang in there!!

  11. I'm sorry you're feeling down. I get exactly the same way, except sometimes when I do acknowledge how I'm feeling it turns into an excuse to eat (bad!)...getting better though & I know you will too :)

  12. It is good to get it out!
    I really do find that when I'm down or need to work a problem out a walk on my own is just the ticket to figure out a solution.



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