Monday, March 4, 2013

I’m back with another picture post

Sorry for being MIA since past Wednesday. I had a really hard week and was struggling in a big way; the eating was just a result of not knowing how to deal with, and process, emotions in a healthy way. I want to spend more time on this blog writing about the emotional and mental struggles that lead me to eat.

The weekend was good for me but I feel like I need a vacation. I’ve been contemplating everything lately and thinking about making some big choices. Hubby and I discussed everything and we have a goal, but need to wait a little while to take any action. It’s nice to know that there is hope though!

I lost another day with hubby because he had to leave early last night due to a snowstorm headed our way. I will be happy when he is done working away jobs!

For breakfast this morning, I ate Ezekiel toast with cashew butter, a sliced banana, and skim milk.

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I love this cashew butter. I’m not sure if the oil is clean though?

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I started the morning with coffee and natural vanilla creamer.

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I worked from home today because of the forecast for freezing rain later in the day…although it never happened! I didn’t want to have a treacherous drive home. It was good to stay at home.

On my break, I ate a WW string cheese.

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And a KIND bar.

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I also made more coffee.

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I spent the rest of the work day doing my old job, which isn’t my favorite, but the time passed quickly.

For lunch, I ate a salad with southwestern chicken, tomatoes, salsa, and Chobani 0%.

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I also ate two clementines.

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On my last break, I ate an apple with peanut butter.

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Yum—one of my favorite snacks!

In the afternoon, I got news that the IT problems were FINALLY resolved and I am good to work at home on a regular basis again!! I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! Life will be much more peaceful again.

After work, I had to run a few errands. It was cold out there! I was glad to get back home.

For supper, I ate baked squash and turkey.

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I love working at home because I have so much more time to get things done. I did laundry, dishes, and cleaned the kitchen up a bit.

While running errands I picked up some Cool Whip Free. I just have to have this stuff with my Fiber One brownies…still working my way through the stash of those.

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I will be sad when those are all gone! But I’m sure there’s a “clean” alternative out there.

Today, I was thinking about the clean eating thing. I decided, why do I have to put a label on how I eat? So I want to eat less processed foods, but maybe not 100%. That’s ok. It’s my thing. I don’t have to feel like I have “failed” if I eat something that isn’t part of a clean eating plan. Anything I do to reduce the amount of processed food is a good thing.

Speaking of, can you believe that I haven’t had pop since I started the clean eating thing? That’s more than I can say about sticking to clean eating 100%, or even 50% lately…

But really, haven’t had a sip of pop in about a month! And I really don’t miss it. I don’t like how it makes me feel, so even when I think I want a pop, I remember how I’ll feel after drinking it and I go with iced tea or water. And it’s not that I CAN’T drink it, I’ve just been choosing not to.

And when I really want something fizzy—I add 100% juice to Club Soda. It’s SO delicious! Plus, I use POM juice and it’s really good for me too! Even so, I rarely drink that either.

I am slowly trying to transform our total household into a healthier environment. Part of that is getting rid of plastic food containers. This weekend, I bought a pack of Pyrex storage containers for $16 and will get a $5 rebate. So $11 for 6 Pyrex containers. A good deal!

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I will slowly throw away the plastic containers that are starting to fall apart and replace them with glass containers.

So that was my day. I would like to talk about some of my struggles lately but I’m not really sure where to start. I feel like they need posts all of their own. I am thinking that being home will help me with most of my issues. Thank goodness.

I’ll just keep undoing the mistakes I’ve made and keep at it. My eating has not been very good since last Wednesday, to be honest. I did make mindful choices on Saturday and Sunday though…but didn’t eat 100% the way I should have. I have so much guilt associated with food. I need to work through that.

I plan to do these daily posts every day that I can! I’m looking forward to it!


  1. Cashew butter is something I've never tried! I'm crazy about peanut butter but I don't really like almond butter. Which one would you say cashew butter is most similar to?

    1. I'd say closer to peanut butter. It's so good. Give it a try!

  2. Hand in there! I think its the winter blues. Ice had a rough time lately too. We need some warm weather!!!

  3. Emotional eating is such a pain in the butt! It's great that you are trying to get rid of the processed foods but it is really hard!

  4. I have the hardest time with doing SO GOOD with something for one to two weeks and then throwing it out the window. :( Not that you've thrown anything out the window. I just know you and I both have trouble staying consistent. I think you are more consistent than me, though. We just gotta keep trying! Yay for IT problems solved. I know how happy that makes you! You can eat however you want. In this day and time, I feel like it would be so hard to eat 100% clean. I know it can be done, but I imagine it takes a lot of effort and avoidance of situations. I think aiming for less processed is very doable, and like you said, without the guilt.

    1. Besides the emotional eating, I have done well. I just have to get that emotional side back in check. Otherwise, I am consistently working through what's in the house and replacing with clean food. It will take a while, but I'm not viewing any perceived "imperfections" as failures or not staying consistent. I am dedicated to the "clean" thing for the 90%, Or whatever I choose. this is what i'm talking about. I don't need to worry about following one plan or another when it's all my own and on my own terms. It takes time and is a process. I don't want anyone to think I have thrown this out the window because I have not, I am figuring out how to make it livable.

    2. Oh, I'm sorry. I think maybe you took my first comment differently than I meant it. I was just talking with whatever was at the top of my mind. I had a bad week, so I was referring to the Wed thru Fri part of you saying you struggled. I said you hadn't thrown anything out the window and I think your new outlook of less processed would be easier. I promise I just felt that I was cheering you on in your new decisions and not putting you down or saying anything negative about you in any way. I didn't look at your day and notice anything I would perceive as an imperfection??? I'm sorry.

  5. Sorry life is so stressful for you Alissa. REALLY hope life calms down a bit for you soon!!! In the meantime, take care.

  6. So weird I was just gonna post about this today....I like to think of myself as %80//20. %80 clean. %20 not. Who can live forever with no yummy treats, eating out, or a processed food? So no guilt! I am doing the same thing with transitioning our house to a healthier environment. I got my boys glass sippy cups, and myself a glass water bottle and we love them! They don't break either ;)

  7. I agree with Adrienne - I have to think about "living the rest of life".

    You are super fortunate to work from home. It sounds like outside of the comfort of home - there are lots of "triggers" for you either stress, work, or otherwise. Of course, this is just my perception from reading the blog - but you may want to think about whether those triggers really exist and how to cope in the event working from home isn't always an option.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. I really need help with dealing with stress, emotions, or whatever it is. Maybe I should start a journal where I document my feelings. Not always possible in a work environment though. Thanks.



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