Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A dinner guest

I am finding this time change absolutely exhausting! Anyone else?

First thing this morning, I started cleaning up the house a bit. I vacuumed and straightened up.

For breakfast, I ate Ezekiel toast with almond butter and sliced bananas. I also ate an egg and skim milk.

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My Mom was asking about the Ezekiel bread, so I thought I’d share a photo of what the package looks like. Someone also asked if I like the sprouted breads and I do! I need to do a bit of research to see what the benefits are because I’m actually clueless. Who me?

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And the ingredients:

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And nutritional info. It is 2 points plus per slice.

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I really like this bread! It’s very filling.

I was so excited about the coffee I found at Target over the weekend.

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I’m not usually a fan of Dunkin Donuts coffee, but this was AMAZING! You can really taste the coconut flavor. I am a HUGE fan of coconut! I sipped on this coffee with natural vanilla creamer.

I don’t think flavored coffees are “clean” but that’s just another guilty pleasure I’m going to stick with. Winking smile

I had to go into the office for work yesterday, so it was nice to be home again today!

On my break, I ate a KIND bar.

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For lunch, I ate a salad with leftover pork loin. I added BBQ sauce to the meat. I topped the salad with avocado, sliced almonds, tomatoes, and feta.

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After lunch, I ate a box of raisins. I am always amazed at how they satisfy my sweet tooth—and naturally!

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On my last break, I ate a sliced apple with homemade Nutella.

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I got the recipe off of Pinterest, shown below.


Next time I make this, I will add more sweetener. It was a bit bitter for my tastes. But this made me realize how easy it would be to make my own nut butters—I might have to do some experimenting!

And of course, I had to have my afternoon coffee. I love the new mug I picked up this weekend!

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One of my employers gave me a $100 gift card for having perfect attendance last year. This was one of my purchases. If I see something I like, then I have some spending money!

The work day went really quickly, which is always a good thing!

I had a dinner guest for supper. My Dad is working in the area so he came out to have supper with me! I wanted to take a picture of him but he said, “No, you can just mention I was here.” lol

I made a pork loin, squash, and green beans.

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For dessert, I made chocolate cake that’s made with a boxed mix and pumpkin. I had some frosting in the house, so I had some of that on top. I also had some decaf coffee. I had to laugh at how the “on” is missing from the saying on my coffee cup in this picture. Gun enthusiasts? lol Or does this now say Keep calm and carry CAKE?Winking smile

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And then we spent the evening talking. It was nice to have him here!

Even though waking up in the morning is tough, I am LOVING the extra daylight in the evenings. LOVE IT. When the weather is nice, I will be taking advantage of it and going for walks, runs, and bike rides outside! I cannot wait!


  1. I never thought about eating raisins for a sweet craving.. thanks for the tip, i def need to try that!


  2. Going to Tar-Jay for that DD!!! I'm excited.

    I like natural ovens carb conscious bread.

  3. As I age, I like daylight savings time less and less. No need to worry in Arizona as we don't participate, but when I go to Mississippi, I'll have to adjust to a two hour time change. Ugh.

  4. I love ezekial bread! have you tried the cinnamon raisin one?? It's amazing.

  5. Thanks for the extra sweetener tip on the Nutella! Had plans to make that exact same recipe this weekend!

  6. I have never experienced Daylight Savings. We do not change our clocks in Regina, SK Canada. I wish we did sometimes though, just so that we can have that extra daylight in the summer. We get dark at 9 and it would be great to get dark at 10 in the summer. It is a contraversy though because half of SK wants Alberta time the other half want Manitoba time so who knows if we will ever participate in it...
    Sounds like you had a great day. I hope the rest of your week is great as well.

  7. HOMEMADE NUTELLA??? Whatever you do, do NOT post the recipe! haha :) The consistency looks different, but I bet it still would taste great. Funny about the "mug shot." And tell your dad pictures have been DEMANDED now. Lol

  8. Yes, this daylight savings time is kicking my butt too. I can not get myself out of bed in the mornings.

    You're doing such a great job with the clean eating. Love coming here every day. :) Keep it up!

  9. I love the mug! And cracked up at the missing "on"! Have a wonderful day Alissa.

  10. An extra hour in the evening to get my run in is worth it the dark mornings.

    Food looks yummy... especially breakfast.



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