Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feeling in control

And we’re half way through the week! We’re getting there. I’m a live-for-the-weekend kind of gal, now more than ever!

I wasn’t feeling very well when I woke up this morning. I felt really nauseous. I was in the kitchen and all of the sudden everything seemed really bright, so I sat down. I ate some breakfast and felt a little better.

I ate Ezekiel toast with almond butter and a sliced banana. I also had skim milk. This is my go-to breakfast.

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After breakfast, I got ready for the day and had to head outside in the bitter cold to go finalize my photography contract.

I love my headband that I picked up at Charming Charlie’s in Florida. Funny thing, the only places I have seen these sold are in Florida and South Carolina…where they don’t need them!

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HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING! Sure wish it was more like spring!

And then I came back home to work. It was nice to have a warm cup of coffee to sip on!

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I had problem after problem with my computer this morning. And then I got pulled off of my new job to help with my old one. Sometimes a break is nice though.

For a snack, I ate a WW string cheese.

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And 1 oz. of raw almonds.

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For lunch, I tried to make an egg white omelet with ham and cheese. It kind of fell apart in the pan. I ate that with a Van’s waffle with butter and 100% maple syrup.

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I had fresh strawberries for dessert.

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On my break, I ate an apple with peanut butter.

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One of the worst things about buying all natural peanut butter is the separation. I hate stirring it up initially! Ick!

And my afternoon coffee.

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For supper, I baked my last Cheese and Tomato VitaPizza (see the right hand side bar).

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I also ate a spinach salad with feta, blackberries, and lite poppy seed dressing.

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This is my last ice cream bar until the weekend when I will eat one more and the not buy any more ice cream for a while again. I promise.

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One thing I have learned from clean eating is that sugar sweetened treats should not be a part of my daily diet, even if in moderation. I would say once or twice a week would be enough. I see what eating sugary treats does to the numbers on the scale. Never thought I’d say that, huh? Winking smile

Well I did. See, I am learning things! And actually, you can make treats without the sugar that are just as delicious, if not more satisfying.

I used 5 weekly points on the ice cream bar.

Overall, I had a good day because I feel in control. Now to stay mindful and avoid snacking in the evening. Hopefully, I can keep my emotional state steady.

Grant me help because we all know I need it. Winking smile


  1. We all need it, girl. You aren't alone. Love your headband. Even when it's scorching hot here, we have skateboarders who wear a tabogan. Do you all have those, or is it just so cold that you don't notice why they wear them? Lol Anyway, wish they would sell the Vita pizza's here. They look really good.

  2. You look so cute in the headband. I cracked up at them being sold where they're not needed. :) Have a wonderful Thursday Alissa.



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