Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A day with my sister and kiddos

Today was the first full day of my vacation time. I got to sleep in my niece's pink princess/butterfly room last night. Winking smile

My nephew is in love with monster trucks. He showed me all 16 of them all lined up. Each of them has a special name and he seemed to know them all! haha.

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For breakfast, my sister made oatmeal with fresh strawberries. I also had my coffee and milk.

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We had a relaxing morning. My sister and I got to spend a little time talking and I colored with my niece. Like my lion? I thought it was pretty good but my nephew informed me that’s not what a lion’s mane looks like. hehe.


We headed out to the mall to do a little shopping. My neice wanted me to sit in the back with her. Here she is showing me a special rock she found somewhere. lol


I didn’t find much while shopping. I did buy a pretty scarf and travel pill case at Charming Charlies. I also got pink flowers for my hair at H & M…plus they match my scarf!

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For lunch, I ate a 6” turkey sub from Subway and baked Doritos.


While the kids played in the play area, I sipped on a Caribou Coffee Northern Lite Caramel Latte, which was very good, btw!


And chatted with my sister.


Aren’t the kiddos cuties? Smile


When we came home, I ate a homemade Larabar for a snack.

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And then played Uno with the kids.


My niece went to the kitchen to get a snack for herself and she brought me back a banana.


I don’t know why, but I was just beat! I didn’t do much for the rest of the afternoon.

My sister made mini-banana whole wheat muffins. I had a couple of those.

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It was just a hungry afternoon for some reason. I also ate an apple with peanut butter.

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For supper, I ate an egg, cheese, and bacon sandwich.


Greek yogurt with granola.


And some frosted wheat cereal—didn’t get a picture of that.

Later on in the evening, I had some popcorn and a small chocolate chip cookie.

And that’s it for the day. I used some weekly points, but it is all counted for, which is the important thing.

And now I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep and can’t wait to see hubby again tomorrow! Open-mouthed smile


  1. Very cute kiddo. Glad you are getting some time to enjoy life! Not sure why, but your supper sandwich looks soooo good to me.

  2. oh yummm subway :) glad yall had a good time!!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time spent.

  4. Your sister looks so much like you! :) How fun!



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