Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weigh in Day

I lost 2 lbs!! That makes me super happy. I was way too close to the 230’s and I just didn’t want to go there. Thank goodness I got this turned around. Now to keep on going with no hiccups.

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal with fresh strawberries, an egg, and skim milk.

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I sipped on my usual coffee with creamer while working.

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And on my break I ate Chobani 0% with 1 tsp. of honey, fresh pineapple, and chia on top.

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I was excited to get my new Kraft magazine in the mail—I love looking through those…whenever I find the time!

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For lunch, I ate tuna with light Miracle Whip and pepper along with squash.

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Last week I talked about the pyrophosphates that I found in my tuna ingredients. I picked up some new tuna this week. It was a bit pricy, but the ingredients are better, for sure.

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After lunch, I made a smoothie with a fresh mango, fresh pineapple, and an orange. A little ice added too.

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This was SO good! I used to always add yogurt, but it’s not needed at all!

On my last break, I made some brown bag popcorn with coconut oil. So good.

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And, of course, I had to have my coffee.

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So that was my day! I feel pretty good about it.

I’m going to have supper out with my dad tonight and then go to my Wednesday bible study.

Happy birthday to my Mom!! She’s 39 again… or so she has convinced her grandkids! Smile


  1. Keep up the great work! 2 pounds is awesome!


  2. We don't have the chicken of the sea brand of tuna in Canada, so whenever I see it, I always think of Jessica Simpson and her reality show when she thought it was actually chicken.
    Way to go on those 2 lbs!

  3. Awesome!!! Congrats on the 2 pounds!!!

  4. So happy that you had an awesome 2-lb loss!!! Your hard work paid off. Congrats!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Yayy for the two pounds!!! That is so awesome! That k cup sounds amazing!!! And I will have to look for that tuna!

  6. Great loss! You are on the right track.

  7. Congratulations! It's awsome that you lost and still kept on track today!

  8. congrats on the loss, i love the carmel flavored coffee and creamer.

  9. Congratulations!! Thats awesome :) Keep going strong!

  10. Yay on the scale love. And Happy "39th" :) To your Mom!!

  11. Congrats on the loss, that's awesome!! How are you liking the coconut oil? That's a switch we haven't made yet.

  12. Congrats on the loss! I love the idea of popcorn cooked in coconut oil - that sounds incredible!



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