Friday, March 8, 2013

Finally Friday!!!

It’s finally Friday!!!

I awoke to another bright and sunny day. That really helps put me in a good mood. I miss the sunshine when it’s gone!

I went back and forth with myself this morning. “I’ll get up and work out right now,” “Nah, I’ll work out tonight while I’m waiting for hubby to come home,” “But I’ll feel guilty if I don’t get it done,” “But I can get it done later.”

In the end, I got off my butt and biked for what was supposed to be 20 minutes, but I was just enjoying it so much that I accidently went for 25 minutes, not realizing my 20 minutes was up. lol

But I felt so much better for doing it…even though I always feel like biking is the easy way out. Bad way of thinking! I will work my way back up to tough workouts.

For breakfast, I ate an egg, a slice of TJ’s toast with cashew butter and a sliced banana, along with skim milk.

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Here is the bread that I picked up at TJ’s this past weekend.

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While working, I sipped on my usual coffee with natural creamer.

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I had a good morning—Yay! I tend to stress about everything but once I get organized and put a plan together I’m good to go. One thing I have learned with my new job position is that I NEED organization or I just can’t function well. I am incredibly organized at work. Maybe that’s something I could carry over into my home and health.

On my break, I ate a KIND bar.

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For lunch, I ate leftover ham soup. Expect to see quite a bit of this. I love me some leftovers.

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I also had a side salad with spinach, strawberries, sliced almonds and lite poppy seed dressing.

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Had to get in some veggies!

On my last break, I ate an apple with peanut butter.

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And sipped on my afternoon coffee.

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Now that work is over—I’m heading out to get groceries and run errands. Hubby is on his way home for the weekend so we’re going to go out for supper. Can’t wait to see him!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I don't think biking is an easy way out at all! If they say regular ole walking is the "best exercise" for you, then feel great about other things like biking, videos, etc. Seems like more effort than walking to me! Lol

  2. What do you use for your natural creamer? I'm using the Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss right now but I only like the Sweet Cream flavor & it's difficult to find.

    I nearly bought some KIND bars at Trader Joe's this afternoon, but after calculating the Points Plus, decided I didn't have that many to spare on a snack LOL.

  3. Enjoy your night out with hubby! I know you are missing him!

  4. I love good bread!!! My Husband calls it horse bread!! Silly guy! If he would only try it he would live it!

  5. That soup looks yummy! Good luck on your journey!
    Jillian - PS, if you have a moment, I'd love to invite you to check out the giveaway we're hosting for a $50.00 giftcard to Shabby Apple!

  6. Have a great weekend with youe hubby!

    That soup looks good!

  7. how do you like the sprouted bread? I've heard how much better it is or you than regular wheat bread, but I'm afraid to try it!

    Found your blog searching for weight loss blogs. I just started a new blog and love to read success of others as inspiration!



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