Sunday, November 14, 2010

Down with Hunger: Healthy Foods That Leave You Fuller, Longer

Tara Spicer, Assistant Editor for An Apple A Day, contacted me asking if they could write a guest post for my blog. I loved their ideas for the guest post, so I agreed to let them do a guest post. There are some great tips in this one! Enjoy!

Oftentimes the hardest part about dieting -- and the biggest reason so many diets get derailed -- is that you are often starving just a half hour after a meal. Incorporating lots of low-calorie foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, is essential to eating healthier and losing weight, but all too frequently these foods simply do not satisfy. Eating filling foods makes weight loss easier to achieve, period. It won't have you scrambling for that leftover candy bar or running out of the house for a quick fast-food snack to stay full, much less sane. Try these low-fat, low-calorie, healthy foods that fill you up as well for the best results in achieving your weight loss goals.

  • Potatoes: Potatoes, when served properly, are by far the most-filling healthy option out there. No french fries or chips at all: go with baked or boiled potatoes to fill you up. One of these will have you feeling fuller than a sandwich. Top your baked potatoes with low-fat sour cream, chives, or yogurt, or roast your potatoes and drizzle them olive oil for a nice accompaniment to any entree. Mashed potatoes are OK too, just use skim milk and a butter substitute.
  • Fish: The most filing meat out there, fish helps dieters because of its low-calorie count, which allows you to eat a much larger portion of it than any other meat at the same calorie count. Stick with lean (not fatty) fish like tuna. No need to be boring: have grilled fish filets with lots of seasonings, or add fish to your favorite low-fat and low-calories salad or pasta.
  • Oatmeal: Probably the best way to start your day, oatmeal is high in fiber and other nutrients, plus complex carbs that take longer to break down and give you energy throughout your morning. Add low-fat yogurt and fresh berries for a truly energizing -- and filling -- breakfast meal. Instant oatmeal works just the same, as does bringing it in small packets on-the-go, so you won't need to sacrifice eating healthy and sticking to your diet because of a hectic morning schedule.
  • Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but it also keeps away an empty stomach leading dieters to go right back to bad eating habits. Apples are chock-full of fiber as well, which means you stay fuller for longer as it takes longer to digest. Apples are very low in calories as well.
  • Eggs: Something dieters have already known for some time, eggs are extremely filling. They are packed with protein, which fills you up, and are relatively low-calories and low-fat. Have a couple for breakfast served anyway and you'll be fine for most of your day. A word of caution though: eggs are very high in cholesterol. For those battling cholesterol, go with egg whites, egg beaters or other healthier egg substitutes.
  • Grapes: Believe it or not, just a handful of grapes will have you filled up a whole lot more than a candy bar or a bag of M&M's. Once again, this fruit packs a punch when it comes to fiber content, which leaves you feeling fuller for longer. Plus, you can have a fair amount of them and feel guilt-free. They are also high in good sugars that will give you more energy without the crash of, say, a soda or candy.
  • Whole wheat pasta: For something truly filling and good for your, skip white pasta and eat whole wheat. Fiber stays with you longer, and whole wheat has more nutrients to help you eat better. The complex carbs from pasta have long been the staple of many an athlete's diet, and dieters can reap the same benefits as well. Keep portions under control, and avoid fatty cream-based sauces.

Edward Stern is a guest blogger for An Apple a Day and a writer on earning your nursing degree online for the Guide to Health Education.


  1. This is a good post! Very informative for me!

  2. I made mashed potato yesterday for lunch and did not add any butter and Fat Free milk. Was delicious this way too.
    Nowadays I eat whole wheat pasta aswell with no sauce whatsoever, just add some ground beef with cottage cheese and that is healthy aswell.

  3. Interesting post! I eat oats almost daily and I agree it keeps me full for so long!



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