Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weigh In Day

I weighed in this morning at 229.6!! My lowest so far! I lost 1.2 lbs. this week, my goal is 1 lb. a week, so I exceeded! That’s a total of 58.4 lbs. I am so close to my 60 lb goal- which means my new running shoes! My goal for this next week is to meet 228 lbs and meet that goal.


I have lost 8.4 lbs this summer so far. I have 11.6 lbs to lose in 5 weeks. I’m not sure I can do that, but I have already lost more weight this summer than I did the entire summer last year. So I’m happy with that alone!


I’ve lost 2.0 lb so far, this will end on Oct. 13th, and I have 19.6 lbs. to go. Just another fun way to inspire myself and track my weight loss.


I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast this morning, oatmeal, blueberries and milk. So I decided to switch it up a a bit and not do a photo post today.

I was a little more lenient with myself at lunch today, which made me realize that taking photos of what I’m eating is very helpful for me. So I will definitely be continuing that. Don’t worry, I am tracking everything! :)


Last night after our run, I decided to stretch. Christina suggested I stretch because I mentioned my legs being sore to the touch. It felt so good and my legs aren’t sore at all! I will definitely be keeping this up! My knee is the only thing that is sore and I’m hoping the new shoes will help with that. Whenever I put on my shoes, my knee starts to hurt. Running is so hard and difficult for me, probably because of my weight, but I want to keep doing it because of the way it makes me feel. I feel accomplished and successful. I feel good about myself for setting a goal and achieving it. Even if it’s only finishing- it does wonders for me!


I don’t know about you, but I sure am glad we’re half way through the week! I had a long day today and I’m glad it’s over. I’ve had a sore throat all week and I really hope that I’m not getting sick! That’s the last thing I need.

I better get off to cook supper!


  1. Thanks for the shout out! Glad the stretching helped! Ibuprofen for the knees...helps with swelling. My Wii....I love it, but I don't use it often enough for any exercise. Have a few games I love. After running, it is hard to get my heart rate up doing anything else! Today, I burned 200 calories according to my Polar in 30 minutes....not bad for low impact exercise.

  2. How cool are you??!!!! That's so awesome!!! Here's to continued success this summer--and hopefully some new shoes in the very near future!!!

  3. Congrats!! You are doing so great. Keep going strong!!

  4. Wow, great goals and awesome weight loss!!

  5. The yippe yah fitness dance on the weight lost...u doing so well.

  6. Congratulations to you! You are doing a great job.



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