I had a busy weekend. It felt like we were on the go the whole time. But it was a good weekend anyways!
For breakfast this morning, I ate an egg, a mini whole wheat bagel topped with pumpkin spice cream cheese, 1/2 a banana and skim milk.
That’s a good breakfast to start out a Monday. I’m not sure why the egg turned out looking like a slice of pizza, all triangular and shape. lol
While working, I sipped on Starbucks coffee with white chocolate caramel creamer.
I really want a Keurig, but just can’t justify spending the money on one. So I’m entering every giveaway I can find for one. Wish me luck!
On my break, I ate a light cheese stick.
My niece and nephew are in kindergarten now, so they’re at that age where they can write their own thank you notes. SO cute. I got this one from my niece today:
And this one from my nephew a little while back:
They both grace our refrigerator door.
For lunch, I ate a BBQ pork salad with lettuce, tomato, and avocado.
Yum, so good!
I found these at Aldi this weekend for 39 cents. I thought I’d given them a try.
Bleck! It was nasty. Too much nutmeg for me. The yogurt taste just doesn’t go well with the pumpkin spices. It needs to have more of a creamy vanilla taste, like pudding.
After lunch, I got to work for job #2. I finished up last week’s stories for today’s deadline and started planning for this week’s work. I feel like I got a lot done!
Mid-afternoon, I was feeling hungry, so I ate an apple with peanut butter.
A couple hours later I was so hungry again. I don’t know what was with me today. I ate Triscuits.
For supper, I made a marinara/alfredo pasta with shredded chicken. I served that over whole wheat pasta with a side of green beans.
Pasta always makes me retain water, so I will have a gain tomorrow for sure. That, added to the fact that I have TOM again for the 2nd time this month. Might as well call it a : because it’s certainly not a . , if you know what I mean…haha. I have 2 a month, not just one… anyways…TMI. lol
I ate a brownie (made with no sugar added applesauce) topped with Cool Whip free.
Those really are delicious. I will be experimenting more with the no sugar added applesauce.
I was listening to 90s radio the other day on satellite radio and I heard this song:
It brought back so many memories!!! My little brother and I used to watch this video ALL.THE.TIME because it came on our old school pc. Any one else remember this?! lol.
Despite the fact that I have a :, my asthma/allergies/cold issues felt better today. Yippee!!! But I have to say, why can’t I just feel NORMAL. No : and no allergy issues. That would be great, mmmkay? Thanks.
So, since I am finally feeling better (let’s hope it lasts) Hubby and I are going to head outside for a walk! I’m super excited! For once, I am looking forward to it and not thinking about how I won’t be able to breathe and will have so much pressure in my head when I get back…fingers crossed that I don’t!!