Monday, October 29, 2012

#BestBodyBootcamp Week 1 in Review


Week 1 is complete! Each week, I’m going to do a recap of how I did so that I can track my progress. You can read about the Best Body Bootcamp, if you are interested!

Phase 1 lasts two weeks. Part of phase 1 requires that I choose 2 personal goals that I want to meet, in addition to completing at least 5 days of the workout schedule.

My 2 personal goals:

  1. Drink 64 oz. of water.
  2. Eat 3 servings of vegetables.

Overall personal goal analysis: I am proud to say that I met my personal goals all 7 days of the week.

Here’s how my workouts went:

Monday: I followed the workout schedule and completed Workout A and Intervals A (2 miles). The surrender squats absolutely killed my legs!! They look easy, but after 3 sets, done while holding a dumbbell at the chest, they are pretty tough!

Tuesday: I had a little soreness, but I completed a 9.5 mile, 40 minute bike ride and a planks workout. I found that my core needs some serious strengthening.

Wednesday: I was incredibly sore and so I decided that a rest day was in order. I have to remember that I still weigh about 220 lbs. and that impact isn’t good for my knees. I need to exercise caution when my knees hurt to prevent any damage.

Thursday: My knees were still hurting, so I took my optional cardio of choice day and biked 7 miles in 30 minutes.

Friday: I completed my second 40 minute bike ride, completing 9 miles, and a planks workout.

Saturday: My knees were feeling almost 100% FINALLY. I completed Workout B and Intervals B. Intervals B were a KILLER! My HR monitor is currently dead, and I am really excited to see how many calories I am burning on these workouts when I get my new one!

Sunday: I was pretty excited at this point that I only had one more workout to complete all 6 workouts on the plan, but I just wasn’t feeling it (why thank you, TOM).

Sunday was a very busy day for me, and Hubby was scheduled to leave for the week early Monday morning. I chose to spend time quality time lounging with Hubby instead of working out. Guilty as charged.

Overall  workout analysis: I completed every workout except for one day, which would be Workout C and either Intervals A or B. I met the goal to workout 5 days last week, so I guess it was a successful week, but I am still disappointed I didn’t complete every single day.

How I feel: HOPEFUL.

Doing the strength workouts make me feel hopeful that I can tone my body. While it has been practically impossible for me to lose weight lately for some reason, I am hopeful that maybe I will at least start to look smaller.

I am also hopeful that if I stay consistent with this exercise regime that I will start to see results on the scale, even if they don’t happen right away.

For next week: Stay diligent. Fit in the workouts around my schedule, which will be busy this week.

Aim for 6 days of working out, but be satisfied for completing the 5 workout goal. There will be weeks when fitting in 6 workouts will be easy, this week it might be tough, but I’m still going to aim for those 6 workouts!

I will also continue to focus on drinking 64 oz. of water and eating 3 servings of veggies. I have to admit, I really have to stay mindful about the veggies—I don’t do it intuitively! Looks like I need to work on making this a habit.

In other news, don’t miss our on my Chapstick giveaway going on right now!

If you’re following the Best Body Bootcamp, how was your week?

If you’re not following the plan, how do you adapt your workout plan when you have sore muscles?


  1. Great that you are enjoying it and pressing on. Keep it up! Sorry that your husband is away. That stinks. :(

  2. I love the format of this post! Congrats on your accomplishments--I'm doing boot camp too and rooting you on!

    To adapt for sore muscles, I like to enjoy light cardio (maybe 10-15 minutes of walking) to stretch out and get my muscles going before I jump into the "bulk" of the workout. The warm up usually helps. Good luck!

  3. Great BBBC week! I'm loving BBBC and my week 1 was a success. Sore muscles? Foam rolling and stretching works wonders!

    [Fitness, Health and Happiness]

  4. I'm also doing the Bootcamp and have been doing well - into week 2 now! I do feel a lot like you - I also expected a good loss last week and only lost .2 - and I also seem to be up this week as well. I am also hopeful that my body is changing and that eventually the pounds will also drop!

  5. oh i love that word "hopeful" - gosh that just makes me feel good to even say it! So glad you are doing Tina's bootcamp, I just love her!



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