Thursday, October 4, 2012

Feeling Down Again

This morning I gained another .2. Isn’t that pretty much staying the same? Ugh. Although I’d be happier if I really did stay the same. Can I blame it on TOM? Again. Some of my weekend choices weren’t as good as they should have been, due to TOM and my inability to practice some self control. But since then, things have been going better. Here we go again.

I woke up feeling absolutely miserable this morning. I had a terrible headache. My body ached. My body must have been reacting to my run yesterday. A little ibuprofen did the trick, although my allergies seemed to be a little worse again.

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal with 1/2 of a sliced banana and a glass of skim milk.

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Today really felt like a fall day. I could hear the wind outside. It rained for a while and the temps were only in the 50’s! It made me want to curl up with a good book, a cup of Joe and a cozy blanket.

I sipped on coffee and got to work instead. Oh, the life of a responsible adult.

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On my break, I ate a light string cheese.

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I also had 1/2 serving of cashews in sea salt. These are so good and it’s so important not to overdo it because they’re not exactly low in points! But even this little bit is satisfying.

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I was STARVING by lunch time. I seem to be more hungry on the days after I exercise a little more intensely. I’ve noticed it before. And in this case, after the first more intense workout in MONTHS.

I ate light Italian-style vegetable soup with a grilled tuna melt.

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Yummmmmm! I also ate an apple with peanut butter.

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I couldn’t quite shake that run down and tired feeling. I decided I would try to rest. I ate some Dove chocolate while reading a book. I ended up eating a few too many than I probably should have. Points counted.

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And then I thought I would take a short nap, which isn’t like me because I can rarely take naps during the week. And next thing I knew, 2 hours had passed!! Guess I needed that.

But I still had time to get in a good work day at job #2 since hubby was going to be home later. It worked out really well and I felt much more rested. I got a lot accomplished too—which is a great feeling!

Hubby and I are going out for dinner tonight. Looking forward to it!

I’m happy tomorrow is Friday!


  1. Bummer on the scale and feeling sore and down and all asthmatic! Yay for a good nap. That is always nice. I get myself in trouble with almonds. Love them! But no, they are NOT low in points. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. You WILL do this. :) Hope you enjoyed your meal out.

  2. That grilled tuna melt looks amazing!! I love cashews too...yumm. Oh and I started a blog, I would love for you to check it out sometime! :)

  3. Your food looks great! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Don't feel down! You are on the right track, sounds like you should just take a hard look and see what's keeping you from losing. (I agree-this weather is definitely nap weather.)

  5. Hope you feel better soon Alissa. Take care.

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