Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Productive Day!

Breakfast this morning was light toast with PB and a sliced banana (x2) along with skim milk.

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As usual, I drank my coffee with creamer while working job #1.

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I just wasn’t that hungry this morning. Didn’t even need a snack from 5 a.m. to noon. Amazing for me!

For lunch, I ate a baked potato topped with BBQ pulled pork and a side of green beans.

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I also ate 1/3 cup of light vanilla yogurt with fresh strawberries and chia seeds.

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Nom nom!

After lunch, I got to work on job #2. I got some good hours in. I covered a style show and a bake sale today. Fun! I also got a lot of writing/editing work done. It was a productive day.

Here is a fall picture for the day, our beautiful tree!

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I chatted with my sister for a little while. While chatting, I ate this Larabar, a birthday gift from my MIL. I forgot how yummy these are!

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I scored a great Groupon today and I already had a credit, so I ended up getting 3 really cute scarves for $9!!! I can’t wait to show them to you when they arrive. Check it out!
Fashion Scarves and Pashminas from (63% Off). Two Options Available.

And before I knew it, Hubby was on his way home and it was time to get supper together.

I ate grilled steak with steamed carrots and a side salad topped with light ranch.

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Finished it up with a light brownie!

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And now I’m going to accompany hubby to another town so he can work a side job. I’ll go shopping! Birthday money is still burning a hole in my pocket…but I can’t find anything to spend it on! What a problem to have…lol.

Have a good night, day, whatever it is when you’re reading this!



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