Thursday, October 11, 2012

Uvè Review


Uvè (pronounced oo-vay) is a gourmet weight loss beverage and promoted by the producers to be a refreshingly healthy alternative to sugary drinks, energy drinks and soda for weight conscious individuals.


That sounds good to me! The product is available in three flavors including Apple Pomegranate, Superfruit, and Black Cherry Lemonade. I was sent a bottle of each to try them out for my honest opinion.

Hubby and I gave each of the flavors a try. My favorite was the Black Cherry Lemonade and his was the Apple Pomegranate. Hubby really liked it and said he would choose it over the traditional sodas and energy drinks that he sometimes chooses.

Each bottle contains 50 calories. For hubby, it seemed like a calorie bargain, for me, I questioned whether I would choose a 50 calorie beverage over a diet soda with 0 calories.


But a diet soda cannot outdo Uvè when it comes to ingredients. Uvè is made with natural flavors and sweeteners, Stevia to be exact. Here’s the ingredient lists for each of the flavors:


The sugar content of the beverage is questionable to me. I had to Google Crystalline Fructose, turns out it is a processed sweetener derived from corn. You can read about most of the ingredients in the beverage here.

The beverage is touted as a weight loss beverage, which I do have a problem with. I would rather see this marketed as a healthier alternative to sugary drinks than as another weight loss gimmick. We all know that there is no magic pill or drink out there that will help us BOTH lose the weight and keep it off. Nothing replaces a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

I have to admit that when I saw the bottle it reminded me of a bottle of magnesium citrate, you know the stuff you drink when you need your bowels to move. I immediately reviewed the ingredients to see if that was listed but it wasn’t. I thought to myself, “Is THAT how they call this a weight loss beverage?!” But I was proven wrong. THANK GOODNESS!

Overall, hubby’s opinion of Uvè was that it was “decent” and my opinion is that I like the idea of the drink, but I don’t like the way it’s promoted. For example, the company states, “Uvè contains optimal doses of patented ingredients, clinically proven to increase weight loss 3x faster than diet and exercise alone”. There is no product out there than can replace a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise. Can Uvè be a part of a healthy lifestyle? Sure, it’s low calorie enough and made from natural ingredients, so in moderation, it certainly could be.


  1. It is interesting on how many products are coming out promoting weight loss. It's disappointing.

  2. Whatever happened to just plain water

  3. Yup, water and exercise. It works :)

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