Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Alarm clocks, Intervals, and Strength

My alarm clock decided to fall back an hour today. Thankfully, I had allowed extra time this morning because I woke up about 15 minutes after my alarm was supposed to go off!

For breakfast, I ate light toast with peanut butter and a sliced banana along with skim milk.

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I ended up having to go into the office for the 2nd time this week, I forgot to snap a picture of my coffee before I headed off to work.

While at work, I ate light yogurt with raspberries and chia seeds.

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Work went well today. I got some good news, so that always makes the day go better! Open-mouthed smile

After work, I headed over to the Pita Pit for lunch. I had a turkey pita and Baked Lay’s.

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And since I was near Starbucks…

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That’s a coffee with nonfat milk and caramel syrup.

And then I headed over to a local school to work on a story I’m writing for job number two! It was a success. I’m all ready to start some additional research and write my story.

I headed home and relaxed for a bit before continuing to work for job #2.

I just wasn’t feeling the workout thing today. But I did it anyways, and I’m glad I did! It was such a bright and sunny day that I decided to head outside for my intervals A workout.

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All stylin’ in my celebrity Oakley’s and black hat. More like I look like I’m about to rob a bank or something…lol.

I never used to wear hats when running, but I started to wear them last year and it helps a TON with my ears, nose and throat in the cold weather. I won’t run without something over my ears in the cold anymore. It really makes a difference. Simple, I know.

I completed 2.21 miles in 33 minutes. I have to stay I prefer running intervals on the treadmill! It’s hard to keep myself motivated to keep running at a faster speed…not to mention hard to track with just my smart phone AP! Although, when I was running, I think I may have been running faster than I do on the treadmill.

I came home, took a water break and then got started on Workout A—a strength workout. It took me about 30 minutes and my muscles were aching when I was done. This time, I used the foam roller on my legs. Hopefully that helps!

For supper, I made a salad with baby romaine, avocado, tomato, a boiled egg, crumbled blue cheese, sliced almonds, and BBQ beef. YUM!

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I am right on track today.

Who’s excited for Halloween?!


  1. Way to go on sticking with your workout even though you didn't feel like it. You did great!

    I have never been that into Halloween so I could take it or leave it. I am proud that I haven't busted open the candy bags yet and I'm pretty sure that I don't even want any tomorrow.

    I do have a pretty cool mask that I'll wear to answer the door but other than that, I'm looking forwards to Thanksgiving, Christmas and my favorite New Year's Eve (our anniversary!).

    Hope you're having an awesome week!

  2. You look like a total thug! LOL One of my daughters walked by, stopped dead in her tracks and said WHO IS THAT??? Lol I don't think it was what you were wearing but your pose. Too funny! :) WTG for being right on track. :)

  3. I am excited for halloween! We all tried to dress 80s in my kickboxing class tonight!! Although i think we will stay in and hopefully watch scarry movies! Your bbq salad looks amazeeeeing. Also the pita! I like the gangsta pic!!! LOL

  4. Haha! Love that pic of you! Sounds like you're doing great!

  5. Hello there!

    Just wanted to introduce myself- just stumbled upon your blog today and I'm happy to say I'll be reading consistantly :)

    Keep up the great work!

  6. I think you look fab in the glasses. Not bank robber at all! :) Happy Halloween Alissa!



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