Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I’m so sore!!

I have been really good at exercising lately. I actually don’t remember the last day that I didn’t get a workout in. So I’d say that’s pretty good!

But today, I just have to call it a rest day. I am so sore I can hardly walk. No, actually, I can’t walk without hobbling in some way. It’s going to be slightly embarrassing when I have to go out in public later on tonight.

And don’t even get me started on stairs. I cannot go down stairs without a railing to lean on right now. I am having day dreams about how nice one of these would be.


Ahhh. Sweet bliss. I’m such a nut. Moving on…

I guess what I’m trying to say is that the Best Body Bootcamp is really kicking my “you know what” and taking names!

I have a feeling it’s just what my body needs. And while I’m not seeing major progress on the scale just yet, I know if I keep this up, it will come. It has to. This time, I’m not giving up on the plan.

As we know, nutrition trumps exercise. I have to keep my eyes on the prize with this one. I am going to give WW my all for these 3 trial months to see if I can produce results. I have to have faith that I will see the results.

I will deal with the soreness because I want to reach my goals so badly! I am tired of feeling “fat” and unattractive! I want to feel myself getting thinner and fitter again!


I choose sore and proud!


  1. Sore is a good feeling when you know youve earned it!! lol. Good job at staying on plan!!!

  2. Good job! You deserve this rest day. Stretching helps me a lot when my body is tensing up!

  3. I love that little saying at the end. How neat! You are making me hurt. I've had those sore legs before and OUCHHHH!

  4. Great job on the workouts! I find I need at least a day or two of rest when I get into the full swing fo working out. It really does help your muscles heal.

  5. I LOLed seeing the picture of the stair many days that I wish I had one of those!

  6. You worked for that girl! The soreness is a good thing :)

  7. The key to results is consistency. Stick with the plan and give your best every day. That's all you can do and it will make changes. You're going to do awesome!

  8. Success will not come easy or cheap. But that's okay. You are worth the effort! Thanks for giving us more inspiration!



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