Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tennis Time

Hubby and I headed up the park to play tennis for the first time tonight. We bought the equipment MONTHS ago and just now hit the courts! It was about time!

I have to say I think it would be really fun if we were better at it! lol. We spent more time running around the park picking up tennis balls, but either way, it was a good workout.


There I am serving the ball.

We will have to play more often! I should do a little research on how to play tennis. I think it would be a lot of fun to take tennis lessons. We would have a lot of work to do! Hubby says we need to finish swimming lessons first. Winking smile

Since we walked to the park, the total workout time was a little under an hour. It felt great to get active again. I really missed doing things like this over the summer. It seems like it was just too hot all summer to do much outside. But this fall weather is wonderful!


  1. Tennis is an intense workout. Awesome! I just can't get on board with it. I took years of lessons, both outside and indoor tennis on leagues, and now as an adult, zero interest. lol. Glad the weather is cooperating for you a bit more!

  2. I love playing tennis! And, the better you get the more fun it gets. It's a great workout and a lot of fun.

  3. My hubby and I also play tennis once in a blue moon and always have fun too, even though we spend more time chasing the balls around. It is a great workout!

  4. I really need to get back to playing tennis. I took lessons when I was younger and chose it as my gym elective in college. Such a fun workout! Hope you decide to stick with it!

  5. I always loved tennis in high school, but it is just too hard on my old-woman, dislocating knees. :( Ugh! Such a great workout, though, and fun! I think you would love tennis lessons.

  6. Really it is very good and better for the health because in the post has discussed about the tennis games and more fantastic also. Every day we have to work out and play then we can manage our weight so greatest fantastic parts shared.


  7. I love playing tennis, however I am awful at it I really should take lessons lol. xo

  8. Define about the tennis games so nice and interesting games so that we should maintain our health enjoy it in this games. The good efforts for published in this post.

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