Monday, September 3, 2012

I’m Back!

After four days of our annual church convention, I am feeling refreshed and fulfilled again. Such a good feeling. It was just what I needed.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I should be doing in life and where I will be most useful. I know I have received my answers. That gives me peace again.

Hubby and I have spent a lot of time talking about the future and we have a plan, which I am very excited about. I will share more as our plans take place within the next few years!

It is amazing how everything falls into place when the time is right. I am truly blessed. I am thankful.

On the weight loss front, I gained .4 last week, which is basically nothing. I have done pretty good at maintaining over the craziness of life. I have a few more days to get off the little bit that has crept back on over the past couple of days and I’m hoping MAYBE I can have a loss for the week.

I’m hoping that the craziness of life is over for now. I’m looking forward to some normalcy again. But we never know what life has planned for us. But as far as I can see, life should be slowing down again.

Hubby and I have a race coming up in October, so we want to start getting prepared for that. We should also be able to eat at home again! It has been a while!! We’ll be back to our normal routines (at least for this week) and should be able to eat healthier and get back to normal. I have done my best to eat healthy over this past while though and overall, I think I did pretty well! It’s good to know that SOME of these habits have become part of our lifestyle.

Hope you’re having a good holiday weekend!


  1. Glad you are back! Awesome job with your weight. I don't travel very well and always come back with a gain. It's gone in a couple of days...still it's frustrating. Especially when I'm careful!

    Keep up the good work and stay focused!

  2. Yay, glad you're back Alissa, and glad you are feeling good!!! Hope you have a good day today too!



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