Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Busy Day!

Yesterday was a busy day! This post is a little late, but I thought I’d still get it out there.

For breakfast, I ate Fiber One cereal with blueberries. I won this cereal in a giveaway. It had way more sugar that I allow in my cereal. What a shocker to eat that without looking at the sugar content! I’m just not used to it anymore.

HonorFlight 001

I had to go into the office again to work on a project. While working, I sipped on coffee with vanilla creamer. I forgot to take a picture in my rush to get out the door.

I was pretty excited to start working on something that is much more “me”.

On my break, I ate Chobani peach yogurt with milled flax.


This was super thick, light oatmeal! I think it was because I put the flax in at 5 a.m. and didn’t eat it until 9.

After job #1, I headed back to my town to cover an event. It was a windy day, and I was wearing a flowy skirt. Not a good combination. I could have died! lol

I hurried home to grab a bit to eat. I ate a bowl of leftover baked potato soup.

HonorFlight 007


And then it was time to head up to the office for an interview for my 2nd job.

After that was done, Hubby and I packed up our Jeep and headed out of town! We had to pick up a friend on the way who hitched a ride home with us.

I grabbed a Starbucks Frappucino in the bottle. I love those. No picture.

For supper, we stopped at Culver’s and I made a bad choice. I got a tuna salad sandwich because I thought it was a special at a lower price. It wasn’t actually cheaper…but then I saw they sell sweet potato fries and I had to try those because we know how I love those. And I also ate a scoop of vanilla custard. Should have counted the points before eating! oofta! But I’m still within my points, so that’s alright. I wish I had ordered a salad. I really needed the fruits and veggies today! Whoops.

So there ya have it. Not too exciting, but it was a busy day. I’m going to take pics over the weekend to share too. Lots of fun things this weekend.

Have a good weekend!


  1. I bout croaked when I found out how much a tuna sub at Subway is. Sheesh! I like tuna salad. LOL Funny about the skirt - been there, done that. Awful!

  2. It's so hard for me to order a salad at a place when I really want to try something else they have. But I always leave wishing I had just ordered the salad...

  3. Happy Birthday girl!!! I hope you and your hubby are having fun!!!



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