Monday, November 7, 2011

I Feel Good About Today

This past weekend hubby and I went grocery shopping. This was the first trip where we were trying to buy all natural products, preferably unprocessed foods. It was interesting to say the least! Who knew that some 100% Whole Wheat breads have high fructose corn syrup in them? Just insane. Read those ingredient labels! Like I said before, we are eating up what we have in the house and not buying any more “processed” foods. I am still learning what that means and we are trying to figure out what rules we are going to go by and what will work for us. Right now, we’re looking at ingredient lists and if we don’t know what something is, we don’t buy it. But you will still see processed foods for a while as we eat everything up in the house.

Breakfast this morning was my attempt at a healthy breakfast. I ate an egg, an all natural turkey sausage, 1/2 serving plain oatmeal with cinnamon mixed in, a glass of milk and a banana for 8 points.

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It looks like a huge breakfast, but it is just enough to make me feel full and satisfied. I just can’t give up my milk and banana at breakfast time. I’ve been told that eating more protein at breakfast should help me throughout the day. It’s always been a struggle to get in protein at breakfast but I am going to try! It tasted good this morning.

As far as the turkey sausage, here is what I found at the store:

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What do you think? Is this a good choice or no?

I needed a quick workout and also wanted to stretch my sore muscles, so I tried a Yoga for Health workout I found on NetFlix. It was a little different than what I’m used to. Lots of breathing exercises. I did 20 minutes of it and only burned 69 calories—but it’s also not cardio! It felt good though.

While working, I sipped on Trader Joe’s Duchess Grey tea for 0 points.

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I decided I could do without a snack on my first break. I think I wanted to eat more because I usually eat something at that time rather than actually needing to eat something.

For lunch, I made a wrap with a high fiber wheat tortilla, deli turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts and just a touch of light miracle whip for 4 points.

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It was DELICIOUS! I read somewhere that buying the deli meat from the counter, rather than packaged, is best. So that’s what I did. I also read the ingredients on the light Miracle Whip and didn’t realize what’s in that either! But I have a whole bottle of it, so I’ll be eating that for a while.

I also had a serving of Progresso Light Savory Vegetable Barley soup for 1 point.

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I am going to try to eliminate a sweet at lunch time. For now, I am focusing on eating a fruit if I want something. I ate an orange for 0 points. These are so juicy and delicious!

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On my break, I was very tired. I needed some caffeine to wake me up! I drank a SF Peppermint Mocha iced latte for 1 point.

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I was hungry by my last break, so I ate 1/2 oz. dry roasted peanuts for 2 points.

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And I was still hungry, so I ate an apple with peanut butter for 3 points.

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Maybe I should have eaten the peanuts and just an apple? Probably could have saved 3 points, but it tasted good!

For supper, hubby grilled the chicken I had marinating since last night in a spicy peanut vinaigrette. I also made steamed broccoli and lentils, along with pickles for a total of 5 points.

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Lentils are new to me. I don’t think I had ever eaten them at a home cooked meal until I met hubby. He LOVES them. And after 5 years, I have finally made them for him for the first time! I as amazed at how simple it was and how HEALTHFUL they are!

And I am going to allow myself dessert at supper if I want it because it keeps me sane. Smile Tonight, I had FF/SF chocolate pudding for 2 points.

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I will be looking for some more natural alternatives. I’ll probably be making a lot more things from scratch.

I have 6 points left for the day. I plan on eating some popcorn because I have been craving it for days. Yummy! I’m also planning on investing in an air popper once we’ve made our way through the stash of microwave popcorn in the house.

I feel like I did a really good job today. I feel like I ate healthfully and was mindful of my eating. Success! I hope that my hard work will show up on the scale. But either way, I know I’m getting healthier.

Now I have to get some homework done! Have a good one!


  1. ok you just inspired me to get back to my unprocessed eating which I was rocking out the beginning of october... it was so fun to jsut feel like food was so clean

  2. Nice. Job. Oh, and I promptly bought those black calf boots you blogged about last night. I hope we both love them when we get them!!


  4. Kudos to you for cleaning up your food! It's been a slow process for us and we have our ups and downs, but we're making progress!

    My rule of thumb is: based on the listed ingredients, could I concievably make it at home? That doesn't mean I know *how* or that I *would* but are all of the ingredients available to me? The biggest things we've tried to cut out have been HFCS and artificial dyes. Orrowheat & Sarah Lee both have some great breads that have no HFCS ~ when I don't make my own, that's what we use (it's what the kids prefer at this point....)
    Anyway, I think you're doing a fabulous job and those sausages look AMAZING!!!! I want to try them!! LOL!!

  5. Alissa, today's foods look so good to me! It is a good change-up from your usual. I think you will love being out of a food rut. I get so sick of the same old stuff I make sometimes and just HAVE to play switcharoo. :) My bread has no HFCS. It is Healthy Life in the white and brown/blue package. I guess I need to read the other info on the pack, though. It's 1 point for 1 slice and 2 for 2. I also have a goal of no sweets at lunch. I don't always make it, but having a sweet at lunch guarantees one at supper, too. It just causes a downward spiral for me. Keep up the good work! Soon it will be second nature.

  6. Can you tell me how you made your steamed lentils? I have only seen dried that what you used? I love canned lentils, but they are so high in sodium. Thanks!

  7. You should read the Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan... all about HFCS and how it has changed society... it's really about more than that - but a very eye-opening book



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