Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wondering what I ate today?

For breakfast this morning, I had Cheerios with milk along with a colorful bowl of fruit (1/2 peach, 1/2 kiwi, strawberries and blueberries) for 4 points.

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I spent some time getting household things taken care of, prepping for supper, and other various tasks. And then it was time for homework.

I sipped on coffee with pumpkin spice creamer for 1 point. I’m disappointed because the little Starbucks logo came off of my mug! It wasn’t from Starbucks…but still! Now it just looks like an ordinary mug.

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Even with the coffee, I couldn’t stay awake. My eyes kept shutting while I was reading. So after finishing one book that I had to read, I took a 10 minute power nap. I always know I’m tired when I can fall asleep for 10 minutes!

A few hours later, I ate some egg beaters with laughing cow cheese for 2 points.

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On my way to school I ate a wrap for 4 points.

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1 cup of grapes for 0 points.

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And a crispy bar for 4 points.

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I had two tests today and I think I did well on both of them. So far I’ve gotten 100% on every assignment and test—knock on wood!! I want to make this last semester a successful one and I want to graduate on a good note and so far so good. Smile

After class, I had to do a little shopping for some weekend plans we have! Can’t wait!! I will do a post on the “event” this weekend. Open-mouthed smile

I was STARVING by that time, not having eaten anything since 9:30 and it was 4:15! My school days are so weird eating wise, which is why I try to eat more in the mornings. I grabbed a diet cherry Pepsi for 0 points.


I also ate a light cheese stick for 1 point.

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On my way home I ate a banana for 0 points.


I kind of lost some resolve and had some snacks and didn’t measure what I was eating. Oofta. I cannot let myself get that hungry.

For supper, I made Greek Chicken. It was DELISH! It is made with tomatoes, feta and black olives. I also had a Schwan’s Garlic Herb bisquit for a total of 11 points.

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I had a side salad with cheese, ranch and cashews for 3 points.

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And finished it up with FF/SF chocolate pudding for 2 points.

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If I hadn’t done a little extra snacking, I would have had 1 point left for the day—so besides that little episode, I did well today.

Now hubby and I are going to go for a walk so I’ll get some activity in. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I know I’ll have a loss, but I’m not so sure I’ll make it to Onederland like I wanted to. Sad smile Oh well! I will one of these days—although I’m not giving up on tomorrow!


  1. I'm cheering for you to get to Onederland tomorrow!!! You are doing great!! Hopefully I won't be too far behind you on your trip to Onederland!

  2. OOOH....good luck at weigh in Alissa. I'm sending light thoughts down to you!!!

  3. Onderland will come when you least expect it! :) One morning you will wake up and show a big loss and be shrieking in excitement in your undies on the scale! Well.... at least that's what played out in my house one day. haha I hate mindless snacking. Ugh. It just leaves you thinking "what do I count that as?!" Happens to all of us. Best wishes for tomorrow's WI!!

  4. Good job. Thanks for sharing your food. I notice that you mostly eat cheerios for breakfast everyday. Do they fill you up pretty good? I need to find a low point cereal that fills me up.

    Even though you snacked like you did, you counted the points and that's what counts. :) Keep chuggin' at it and you'll make it to your goal :)

  5. I love that you not only post what you ate, but that you post pictures too! It's amazing how I can really get into a rut, eating almost the same thing every day - it's great to see some ideas from someone else (I'm so totally visual). Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!!



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