Monday, September 12, 2011

Ready to Travel the World

And it’s Monday once again…

For breakfast, I had light toast with PB and a sliced banana along with a glass of milk for 5 points.

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I sipped on an iced latte while working for 1 point.

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On my first break, I had a serving of Special K Multigrain crackers and a wedge of light Laughing Cow cheese for 4 points.

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Look what I got in the mail today!!

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We are ready to go! Open-mouthed smile

Kind of cool to think that we are now free to travel the world! hehe If only we had the money… Winking smile

I bet you can guess what I had for lunch. A BBQ Chicken salad! haha. I made some BBQ chicken in the crockpot this weekend so I have plenty to make salads with! This salad was 5 points.

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I’m all about trying new BBQ sauces. I look for unique sauces. I love BBQ, which I am sure you can tell by now. I found this in the grocery store for $2 and used it to make my BBQ chicken:

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It’s called Mild/ Wimpy Jamaican BBQ Jerk. It’s a tad spicy for my tastes. I like the sweeter BBQ sauces. But the bottle was fun! Smile

I also had a little bit of leftover Butternut squash for 0 points.

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And finished it up with my last Fiber One brownie for 2 points.

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I forgot to  buy more when grocery shopping this weekend! Sad smile

On another break I ate a peach for 0 points.

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On my last break, I had light vanilla yogurt with fresh strawberries and 1/8 cup Muesli for 3 points.

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Today was another long day. I’ll be happy when school is done and I can go back to working 8 hour days!

For supper, I had a Boca Burger on light bread with 2% cheese, light miracle whip, ketchup, tomato and lettuce along with roasted potatoes and onions, tomatoes, and broccoli for 9 points.

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It was a delicious supper! I finished it up with a Crispy Bar for 4 points.

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I am right on my points target! Yippee!!

And now I plan on relaxing. I really should work on homework, but I should have enough time to finish it in the morning. It’s been a long day and I’m ready to take it easy!

The good news is Monday is over!


  1. Whoohoo! Congratulations on your passport! Where is on your list of places it'll take you?!

  2. Is it just me or was that a record-breaking LONG banana??? lol I know you are relieved to have your passport! :) That bbq bottle is hillarious! Have you ever tried (or does your area have) Sweet Baby Ray's? That is our all-time fave. It is a really sweet BBQ. I don't like the variations, just the original. I am out of Fiber One brownies, too. :( I never got to try them heated and with cool whip! I will def buy some more. :)

  3. Nice! My hubs and I need to start the process of getting one. I heard it takes forever!

  4. Yay for the passport. If money and time was no object, where would you go first?? Have a great day!



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