Monday, September 19, 2011

Counting Down the Days

It was a fun weekend with a Hawkeye game (where we saw Ashton Kutcher), shopping, and much more! But all good things must come to an end.

For breakfast on this Monday morning, I had Cheerios with a sliced banana and milk for 4 points.

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And then it was time for work. I sipped on a Pumpkin Spice Latte (made with Godiva Pumpkin Spice Coffee) for 1 point.

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On my first break, I ate a light Lemon Chiffon yogurt for 2 points.

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For lunch, I had a BBQ chicken salad for 5 points.

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And a piece of light toast with strawberry jam for 2 points.

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And I finished it up with a little chocolate chip cookie for 2 points.

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I made the decision today to switch back to Weight Watchers Online. I have been so busy since starting back to school that I actually haven’t been able to make it to my meetings and I’ve still been paying for them! And I have thought about it and have decided that I could use the time to get in a workout rather than being rushed to get to a meeting. I plan on going back to the meetings once school is out again and I have more time. I like the meetings, but it’s just not working with my busy schedule right now and it’s a long drive for me to attend.

I was pretty hungry on my break, so I ate FF popcorn for 4 points.

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I love FF popcorn  because it fills me up so well.

It kept me full for the rest of the afternoon—no more snacking needed! But by the time I was done working, I was starving!

Hubby came home completely dirty—he was worn out from a hard day at work too!

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That’s my baby! Winking smile

For supper, I had Mac and Cheese with Hebrew hot dogs, broccoli and tomatoes for 9 points.

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I finished it up with strawberry shortcake for 3 points.

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And I had a bit of a catastrophe and ate 2 more little cookies and ended up using 4 extra points today.

Hubby and I went for a walk this evening. We walked 1.54 miles in 30 minutes and I burned 175 calories. Every little bit helps.

Let the countdown to the weekend begin!! We have lots of fun plans starting Thursday night—can’t wait!!


  1. Hi Alissa, OOOH....plans for the weekend? FUN! Good for you doing the w w on-line to give yourself a bit of extra time!!! Have a great day.

  2. I think it's great you have the option to go to meetings or do it online! That's why I love WW. They really want it to work for you, so they give you options. I wondered how you were gonna have just ONE of those cookies. haha I have eaten all 31 points today and I am craving something sweet SO BAD. Trying to stay strong! Looking fwd to your weekend recap posts. ;)

  3. I'm really thinking about starting WW again. The 1st time I started I lost 5 lbs then the 2nd time just didn't even count. It was just a mess for 2 weeks & then I quit.. lol

    Any words of wisdom you would like to share with me???? :)

  4. Hi Alissa! I've been following your blog for a while now and I just want to let you know that you really encourage me in my weight loss journey. I am doing WW and so far have lost 6lbs. I love seeing what you ate because it gives me great ideas for easy healthy choices. So thanks! And keep up the good work :)

  5. Good luck with WW online, I used to lose a bunch of weight before.

    Have fun this weekend :)




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