Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday…

So yesterday I was kind of experimenting. I have noticed that I’ve been falling into a food rut—you know, cheerios for breakfast and BBQ chicken salad for lunch, and so on. So I ate a little differently and thought I’d probably gain weight this morning, and wouldn’t you know I actually lost more! So now I’m going to try to continue to switch things up as much as I can and maybe I can trick my body into burning some more weight off!

For breakfast this morning, I wanted something warm because it was cooooolllld! It was in the low 30’s when we woke up this morning. Hubby even requested oatmeal, which definitely isn’t normal for him! I had oatmeal with cinnamon on top, a banana and a glass of milk for 7 points.

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The perfect breakfast on a chilly morning.

And then it was time to get started on homework. I had a paper to write this morning that I hadn’t even started reading my research on. But it was a 1-2 page assignment so I wasn’t going to let it stress me out. I drank coffee with Cinnabon creamer while working for 1 point.

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2 hours later I was done with my research and writing my paper. It’s amazing how time flies when I do research and write—I actually like doing it!

But I still had more homework to do. I ate a peach for 0 points.

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I got most of my homework done, knowing that I’d have some time when I got to school because I get there super early to find a parking spot. It really annoys me that I pay $75 for a parking pass and have to get there super early to actually find an empty spot—and I’m not talking about getting a close spot—I still have to work probably 1/2 a mile to get to class. Which is fine, but I at least need a place to park.

I took about 10 minutes to satisfy my new found Facebook The Sims Social addiction. Winking smile Oh dear, I may have to say goodbye to the game. I’m not much of a gamer but I have ALWAYS loved that game and haven’t played it for YEARS and when I saw it on Facebook I was pretty excited. But I have to limit myself because I could play all day. lol

And then it was time to leave for school. I ate a sandwich on the way: deli chicken, swiss cheese, light miracle whip and lettuce, for 6 points.

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I also had baby carrots for 0 points.

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And a 100 Calorie pack of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for 3 points.

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Today in class I had to copy a historical document on an individual I have to research so we can transcribe it. We had to take pictures of the document—it was pretty interesting!

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I had a short day of school today, so I had the afternoon free and it was wonderful to have a little me time.

First, I stopped at a new frozen yogurt place—it’s the only local place I know of that serves fro-yo! It was a pretty cool place with self serve fro-yo and then a selection of toppings. I had Cake Batter fro-yo with raspberries, almonds and chocolate sauce on top for 6 points? Not quite sure how to count this because they don’t have the nutritional information available. I asked the guy running the place which ones were higher in calories, etc. and he really didn’t know but told me which ones he knew had more sugar…so I avoided those!

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And then I did a little shopping. Fun! I scored 2 long sleeve tees at Old Navy for $10 total and a bra for $4! Good deals! I really need long sleeved items for fall, but didn’t have much luck finding things I like. I don’t know what to think about flannel and that seems to be all over the place this season.

I grabbed a diet A&W root beer and drank a few sips for 0 points.

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And then I headed home. It was a GORGEOUS fall day today. I wanted to go running and wouldn’t ya know it, my iPod was dead. So I let that charge a little while and worked on some homework.

And then I headed out for my first run in far too long. I ran 2 miles straight and walked .13 in 28:21. My lungs were burning so bad and I coughed the entire time and still am! But I pushed through and I am very happy with my workout. I burned 384 calories! While I was running, I couldn’t help thinking, “wow, I can really do this!” It wasn’t that long ago that I couldn’t run for 15 seconds without feeling like I was going to die. It’s an empowering feeling—it really is.

When hubby got home, we drove to the in-law's to pick up beef for the year. They give us a lot of beef from the cattle they raise—we are very lucky!!

We were pretty hungry by the time we got home and I was glad I had supper in the crock pot! I made Easy Chicken Pasta, garlic toast, and a side salad for a total of 15 points.

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DELISH! I used 5 weekly points today.

I’m THRILLED that tomorrow is Friday. Who’s with me!?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am! Yay for Friday! I love changing up my food. It stinks to get stuck in a rut. My husband doesn't like repeats, so usually I'm good about things. But sometimes I get hooked on a fave and wear it out til I can no longer stomach it. Have fun this weekend! :)

  3. Just stopping by to say "you go girl!" You are doing great in your weight loss journey. OS glad that you started this while you were young. Keep going strong.

  4. Congrats on your run! I love love love that feeling - knowing that you've worked hard to accomplish something that not long ago was out of your reach.

  5. Congrats on the run! Your food looks yummy as usual :) And SO glad it is Friday!

  6. Great run Alissa!!! Woo hoo!!! YAY for Fridays! Hope yours is a good one.



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